Message from @David Nilsson
Discord ID: 449728494080098315
fuck you
SIEGE ain't bad though
can't say, haven't read it.
Just the keyboard warriors that advocate it give it a bad reputation
siege is for deafetist fags
its retarded
they don't come off as defeatists to me.
more like anarchists
@David Nilsson Like I said, The keyboard warriors that advocate it give it a bad rep
actual radical fucking anarchists
@Thule Reactionary Anarchist I would say
In America the only logical solution for establishing a NatSoc government would to make the current system collapse
And rebuild a new one from scratch
it seems to me most americans are incapable of organizing themselves and adapting discipline.
@Thule Most to almost all movementarian groups in America are garbage
NRM has it good though 👉🏻 😎 👉🏻
I wouldn't be surprised if the NRM is the most disciplined and well organized natsoc movement
I wouldn't either
It probably is out of west, east and north europe.
The term LARPy is thrown out of proportion now
LARP groups would be people like NSM and TWP
twp is dead now tho isnt it?
apparently if you do national socialist activism, it's live action roleplay.
well, I'm fine with that.
Their co-founder Matthew Fatbach had an affair with Matt Parrot's wife (Other co-founder) @David Nilsson
Then Matt strangled Parrott after he found out lmfao
there was an article about it on nordfront
The organization was trash anyway
Some of their officers were legit Strasserist
TWP was filled with retarded motherfuckers who should be met with capital punishment for their crimes against nature.
That's what you get though having an organization in the south
i liked the name though
*doot doot, cheesh*
oh yeah, the whole fucking scandal was incest too, wasn't it?