Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 498990711094509568
A military - like option, that teaches you skills, keeps you in shape, makes you a badass AND helps your community is Wildland firefighting.
And there's never been a large scale Forest Service deployment to Israel, as far as I know. lol
I am submitting an application to a welding school right now, but I am not entirely sure that is what I want tbh. I'm good at it, but it costs money that I don't have and I am not sure I'd be alright with doing that for the rest of my life.
That sounds pretty rad actually
It is the most brutal work, but you'll make an extraordinary amount of money and come out the other end jacked and grizzled.
I've never done it myself (too tall to cut line), but I took fire classes and supported on perscribed burns. I've done trail crew, which is the diet version.
If I was under 25 and under 6'6" I'd do at least one season of wildland fire.
That sounds awesome actually.
I hate having to work making food for ham planet NPCs
It sounds like it would actually be having a positive benefit on society, like something important was actually being done. And, I'd be out in the woods doing something cool.
I feel like I'd have to relocate for that though, Michigan doesn't really have very many wildfires.
Here's some propaganda:
There is "Diversity," but since the job is hard, affirmative action hires don't stick around long.
Michigan does have a lot of National Forest land, though, and therefore, probably crews. In the spring/fall they probably do some perscribed burns or trail work and then get deployed out west during the summer. Yes, you'd have to be away from home for a while. Do you have children / dependent elders?
No sir
The only thing I've got is free time
Honestly it sounds great.
I wonder why I've never heard of this before
I am looking at rn
Sometimes jobs will train you, but having your red card does make you more competitive. Veterans and Injuns get preference, so the more you can do to compete with them the better
This is a good tutorial.
Well, the plan was to get into trade school after the winter and do that and get my cert. and then maybe move over to Germany until my gf gets on her own two feet and out of her sort of highschool/college hybrid.
That was the like
1 year kinda plan
1-2 plan
Ah. Well, if you don't drink it away, a season can net you 20k easily. Which could help you into trade school and Euro-GF help
But I don't think I will have the money for trade school and I am not a fan of being in debt and I would've liked to make sure that I could spend time with her every other season.
I don't know/think trade school has summer breaks, but lots of people just do summers.
I mean, she is coming here for Christmas and ideally summer, but idk this deal with this one that I am applying to rn.
Trying to figure out their course times and all that jazz.
Ah. Well a good GF is worth quite a bit. And with welding you can earn a good living, relatively dox resistant (not proof) too.
(nothing is dox proof)
If we lived within the same country, she probably would be more than a gf tbh.
But things work differently over there.
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