Message from @Hvitulfr
Discord ID: 451963566375960576
Hello. 😃
@Deleted User It is true. Real Mexican tacos are like cardboard
@maddenjohn40 I am going to be sick with that video. Those coloreds talking as if they have some authority in Anglo lands.
@ghost groyper I know. This is our country, founded on Anglo Saxon law, culture and language and by Anglo Saxon blood. Now they have the gull to say it is theirs?
Only one solution
Physical removal
So to speak
Folk say all the time that National Socialism wouldn't work here. I think otherwise.
It's only because we have so many incompatible ethnicities
But this country is over
We totally fucked our selves
Sure. Whites can still make it out of this mess and create a new state. We have had worse odds in the past.
Well obviously something new will form
But this retarded "melting pot" America is dead
It never existed. Jews made it up and destroyed the country overnight during the 60s
1790 Naturalization Act states that no man may become a US citizen but a White man of good moral character.
That's when we stopped having a country
@ghost groyper Yep. I don't want to go back either. I want something better. We can do it if we will it.
Where are you from? I am from Wisconsin..
Upstate N.Y.
When I was in the marines every thought I was from Wisconsin lol. We kinda sound like that up here
Hmm. I hear it is pretty nice there.
I like it. Very rural and white
Nice! I think there are a lot of Northern Europeans in upstate NY?
Yes very Germanic. The area I'm in is very Dutch.
Good! More Germans and Norwegians in my area.
Ahhh of course we have a few norwegians where I live
I'm mostly English myself
The eternal Anglo
I love English history.
Mostly before the Christianization though.
There is a distinct Germanic Anglo Saxon culture that we should preserve.
I agree. I'm so used to the eternal Anglo meme I feel like a jew lol
Haha. I have English on my mother's side. I am about a third English actually.
In the new National Socialist Anglo Saxon state, we are going to cultivate our culture some more and renew our ties with our Scandinavian and mainland Germanic cousins.