Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 453609445491081236
Most of the people shitting on skinheads ten to be spergs who have zero movement experience themselves and have only seen Hollywood flicks shitting on skinheads and think themselves redpilled for attacking jewish fiction @Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman
I have a feeling you’re a closeted skinhead @Mikko lol
Every skinhead maybe like minus one or two has been a total bro and decent guy
@maddenjohn40 WLP rejected subculturalism but spoke in lenght against lemming behavior and PR cucking
Which is what I'm seeing right now.
Seriously, listen to his speech about lemmings, it's must listen
yeah but they dont look or act respectable, they just drag the movement down
Seriously, listen to his speech about skinheads, it's must listen @Mikko
I have listened to his every speech, believe me.
They lack the intelligence and physicality to be a true National Socialist
I'd take skinheads thousand times rather than PR cucks. Have you guys ever really met a skinhead or just seen American History X?
Plus they involve themself in nigger crime
Nice meme.
Again, do you know skinheads outside of hollywood movies?
American History X is a ZOG show
They are idiots
Where are you from?
Well, might be a regional thing.
Our skinheads are awesome.
I've always enjoyed spending time with them.
The skinheads NRM has are better
The ones in America are just flat out garbage
These are the type of people I’m talking about
Been to plenty of Blood & Honor gigs, always choke full of skinheads, working class people with jobs who oppose drugs and can physically remove any leftists. I'd take them over any internet alt righter every time.
Meh, I can’t stand spergsocs over the internet myself
I wouldn’t take either tbh
I pity the state of US.
I guess the only way is totally burning down everything Siege style and starting fresh.
@David Nilsson hit me with that member tag fam
SIEGE is good for the US
It applies to some European countries but not 100%
Yeah, that is true. Very good book, got it from a movement event, fell in love. It's written US in mind but the truths in it are universal, about uselessness of conservatives, the lemming/sheeple attitude, the role of militant vanguard, etc, etc.