Message from @Frieden
Discord ID: 473588056340037632
How old is Ludwig and the whole NA crowd?
Western Europe is an better position than the US so that idea is silly
well people should stay where they are and create a resistance against the system there
stop fleeing
I got a radical idea for our burger friends! What if people stop talking on discord about all old failures and go do some activism instead?
I do, my problem is I can't get anyone to do anything with me, except like one of my friends
idk why us burgers have so much of a problem with that
Idk, Ludwig is 20 or so, looks supremely soy so can't be much older. Besides, NA guys are ideologically very opposed to revolution, direct action, all that good stuff. One sure way to get brain cancer is to read their Gab.
Well at least train or sth @Frieden
@Deleted User is right
ive tried to get my local guys to go out and do street activism but they refuse to do so
NA isnt that bad, they havent DONE anything dumb atleast. They've barley done anything
Btw Ludwig is a anglo
So he is "leading" a movement based in the USA
Whilst not even being there
arent all americans anglo
no, we're a mix of different things
I like their aesthetic
>arent all americans anglo
they're just classic national socialists
like rockwells party
but with a american twist
What a insult
their aesthetics are old
it looks great
shirt and tie always looks great
reflects their dying old spirit
they should be more youthful
since they are youth
hoodies and tracksuits?
Nah, they're hardcore PR cuckolds too. Mention anything to do with direct action and you're a fed siege satanist. In Gab they basically tell "don't fight bro just run bro, jews BTFO'd"
Red shoes and khakis <:adolflol:449290174082318339>
Windbreakers would be indefinitely preferable tbh
mix of European ethnicities I guess
Tracksuit nationalism
although the number of mongrels in US is daunting