Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 477219843288858624

2018-08-09 20:52:17 UTC  

Polish people were too if they were racially pure

2018-08-09 20:52:29 UTC  

and yes i ve seen that image in which it is claimed that Poles were considered Aryan by the NS Germany

2018-08-09 20:52:44 UTC  

when in fact they were little above jews and gypsies

2018-08-09 20:54:34 UTC  

Are you NS?

2018-08-09 20:55:17 UTC  

How could I be? I agree with most of what National Socialists say as well as the general notion of said idealogy

2018-08-09 20:55:31 UTC  

but I dont think I could be Polish and NS

2018-08-09 20:55:36 UTC  

as our discussion just proved

2018-08-09 20:56:40 UTC  

there arent really any anti polish NS organisations currently

2018-08-09 20:56:50 UTC  


2018-08-09 20:57:34 UTC  

the past is the past, this fight is to important to care about this stuff

2018-08-09 20:58:28 UTC  

lets be generous, lets assume that German NS , through a violent coup, take power in Germany

2018-08-09 20:58:53 UTC  

also we know more about race now than we did back then

2018-08-09 20:59:03 UTC  

why woudnt they take our Western lands. these lands were indeed stolen as never in history have they been Polish

2018-08-09 20:59:38 UTC  

They were slav 1000 years ago

2018-08-09 20:59:49 UTC  

not like we had a say in the matter but thats not the point

2018-08-09 20:59:56 UTC  

im just saying that this could happen

2018-08-09 21:00:19 UTC  

there are too many Europeans in Europe who hate other Europeans just because they had " the misfortune" of having been born in a different country

2018-08-09 21:00:52 UTC  

Tbh from what I see most of inter-European shit has died down aside from the Balkans and Russia hate in eastern Europe

2018-08-09 21:01:08 UTC  

well I woudnt say so

2018-08-09 21:01:12 UTC  

for instance an average Pole

2018-08-09 21:01:16 UTC  

That's why I asked

2018-08-09 21:01:22 UTC  

Polish NS are rare

2018-08-09 21:01:34 UTC  

hates Germans, Ukrainians and Russians for different, retarded reasons

2018-08-09 21:01:36 UTC  

you just like to argue with us, because you can't get over history

2018-08-09 21:01:51 UTC  

what history? i just dont like it when someone lies to my face

2018-08-09 21:01:56 UTC  

thinking I dont know history of my own country

2018-08-09 21:02:04 UTC  

and claims that we stole something

2018-08-09 21:02:25 UTC  

when the first time we really "stole"something from Germans was in 1945

2018-08-09 21:02:41 UTC  

as these lands were not even ethnically Polish

2018-08-09 21:03:23 UTC  

Dirlewanger Brigade should have been fiercer so you wouldn't whine about it

2018-08-09 21:03:54 UTC  


2018-08-09 21:03:57 UTC  

what a kike

2018-08-09 21:04:06 UTC  

why would you say that

2018-08-09 21:04:11 UTC  

Ironic because poles have considerable mixing with jews

2018-08-09 21:04:31 UTC  

direlwanger was a child raping sick fuck

2018-08-09 21:04:38 UTC  

okay you should add a rule, we hate fucking poles they are jewish inbreds lets just all take them over

2018-08-09 21:04:43 UTC  


2018-08-09 21:04:47 UTC  

he served a purpose

2018-08-09 21:05:49 UTC

2018-08-09 21:05:51 UTC  

@Hunter491 I never said they are jewish inbreds, I just said they had considerable mixing with jews due to Jews being huge in the 1930a

2018-08-09 21:05:54 UTC  
