Message from @Frieden
Discord ID: 477272909631455242
why shit on NS like that and expect love as an answer
Polish people calls the Swedish invasion of poland for the deluge
when you invade and they see you as the great flood in the bible
@Hunter491#2707 russians did do katyn though
it's confirmed
he got kicked?
Try to like poles for the sake of the future but they continue to have these retarded civic nat butthurt views from the past.
He left @Deleted User
By himself
he's a good dude at heart but he has that complex
let's be fair here, it's both sides
sometimes one initiates it, sometimes the other
these petty grudges from WWII are hard to overcome
vicious cycle
But poles can’t fathom national socialism. And it’s the only world view that will put whites back on top of the world.
It’s their fault if they can’t reach the conclusion that NS isn’t solely tied to Germany.
he's a good mate but idk why he cant seem to understand NS
Because Hitler hated Slavs man
he didn't as a universal
idk hitler was very ambiguous and contradictory on slavs at times
pragmatic in rhetoric almost
"hitler hated slavs" beceomes from war propaganda.
you cant tell your troops that "yeah we are kill fellow slavs because their leadership is taken over by jews."
point of propaganda is always dehumanize enemy and paint them and sub humans.
^ this. he even talks about that in mein kampf. If i remember correctly he hated that the soldiers in ww1 socialised with the enemies during the christmas truce
"Hitler hated a linguistic group" haha ok
NS Germans even said that Czechs would have *become* German if not for the Hussite rebellion
Stop believing bullshit 19th century nationalist theory
Yeah they even played football
Though ww1 was less ideological than ww2
@Deleted User sarcasm
Why the fuck would germany genocide poles
Race is a social construct. Change my untermensch mind
I see someone got themselves gassed <:adolflol:449290174082318339>
Oh it was the never ending muh Hitler hated slavs debate. Sigh....