Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 498995081450356736
Which is not happening
So I have to make the job fit around that for sure.
This NWFT thing says I need to be affiliated with other sorts of forestry organizations
Like department of homeland
Hmmm... well I'm in school and affiliated that way.
You can apply to jobs as a novice though.
I know that for sure.
To what jobs?
wildland fire - you make a profile there first (lol it's down, how typical)
And then after you've made a detailed and throrough (But truthful) resume, you can just select and apply
Filter by agency (forest service and bureau of land, although don't sleep on indian bureau or fish and wildlife), and look for "forestry / range technician/aide"
That's the actual job
You can spam and apply for them all, but so can everyone else. It's a brutal slog. The good news is once you've worked for a season you have an in and, if you survive / enjoy the experience, returning is much less painful bureaucratically.
ALSO there are private trail / fire crews. Nature Conservancy for one.
Yeah but why are they gonna want an 18 year old who hasn't been to college though?
If they do at all?
You strong and don't complain? It's mostly digging and paying attention when you need to.
The west is more on fire every year.
Fire is the only environmental government sector that's growing.
Because there's no choice.
There's an aviation side to it?
That sounds even cooler.
Yes, but no one starts there unless they're a veteran with air experience
But yes, theoretically if you're elite you can eventually become a smokejumper.
How do you know so much about this?
I did four years in AmeriCorps, which exists laterally and peripherally on the fire world.
And my minor is in fire. Again, I'm too old and big to be a hotshot, but I know this stuff so I can safely do prescribed burns on deer lots and state parks, etc.
I WOULD suggest you do AmeriCorps... but it's very diverse. Even the mostly-white states's programs (maine, vermont) are not-metaphorically gay.
I don't know if you could hide your power level. Also you don't make much money in AmeriCorps.
That's gonna be a yikes from me chief.
Don't blame you. I did my AmeriCorps years before being redpilled.
I couldn't handle it now.
I've got to wake up in the morning and be able to send the "Good morning kings, lets get this bread" tweet.
I can't do that unless I am getting that bread
How much does it make?
You said 20k a season but how long is a season?
20k for 3.5 months if there's a burdensome amount of over time and hazard pay.
With less experience you'll make less per hour. I can't tell you if the physical pain and "hurry up and wait" chaos/monotony is worth it.
And, of course, small, but non-zero chance of injury or death.
It's probably less deadly than driving a semi truck though.