Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 547525488046768128
all are intertwined yet not the same, but still connected
you shouldn't say you are a strasserist
if i wasnt white id have no clue what to do
leaving is a good start 🤷🏻
you don't understand, strasserists are more despised than most
what about baathists
none are true NS
but still
yeah, sadly we lost that aryan soil long ago
it's pan-arabic
they didn't just copy it straight over
strasserists are seen as traitors
and backstabbers
well true, but yemen is niggerfied
as is a lot of the arabic penninsula
due to the extensive trade and long history it has had with Africa, yemen has a lot of negroid dna in it's population
yeah, probably right
how old are you(kinda) @Völkisch Arabic (NS)
Onkel Tom non-white nationalism is gay
do it like Malcolm X did if anything, and always blame the jew
listen, sorry for the harsh tone and all, arabs are good.. I don't mind them when they're in their own territory
although you're still semites
which isn't so nice
so it has me conflicted
id direct my life in various direction depending on what kind of person I was to start
if I was a person with integrity and an ability to inspire and lead, perhaps id try to start a group
I think jews might have evolved as a parasitic tribe from the arabs
selecting the worst traits over generations
yeah thats what i think too
but they ruined a lot of ancient civilisations
like the sumerians, egypt probably
probably t he hittites
sumer for sure
list goes on
@Völkisch Arabic (NS) what do you think about race mixing?
Agree. I hate when negros or any other race mix with whites. How did you end up in nordic countries tho ? @Völkisch Arabic (NS)
How does many ethnic homogenous socites make a better defense against jews?