Message from @Bravos
Discord ID: 544643787675271189
and it will sort itself out
they can be critical but of what?
our state isn't what MSM portrays the third reich as
instigators might not be so appreciated, but it all depends on what the motives behind it is and so on
Right, I think as long as no subversion of the education system or media is allowed to happen then healthy disagreement can be had.
I'm wary of egalitarian thought.
It spreads like a disease.
yeah, but that wouldn't be a problem
we wouldn't allow that
you know that it's the jews that cause that
and anyone who would do that would be a traitor or enemy of the people anyway
I think if White people can be main proponents of egalitarianism they can still subvert.
If Jews ever were out of the picture, there would still be subversive intelligent people.
They just wouldn't be able to work in concerted effort for years because of the lack of tribal bindings and differences that can keep them polarized against the host nation.
a few of course, but they are easy to take care of
Maybe White people are more controllable . . . They are smart, but orderly.
and we have more sympathy
we don't act like pests
I think an interesting question is the final solution to the JQ
At this point do you really think they can be left alone?
the jews need to exist as part of the history books
they need to be dealt with
I will have to sleep now though
I meant they should only exist as part of a fairy tale or as something that exists only in history books but not in real life
I like that
They should only be remembered as monsters in fairy tales
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