Message from @ganzwien
Discord ID: 547545574480543755
You can't have read it
My name is Oskar Karlsson
you can look me up on antifa
@Vaskebjørn make @ganzwien member
@Vaskebjørn give me the member role bror
You have to be over 175
Jokes BrøtHHer
I'm 18cm, that enough for you bror?
Let me just open my pc
I still love this .jpeg spurdo
why the fuck is there an arab here <:shieeet:449290178050261002>
Mashallah SS Hezbollah<:ss:449290177785888768> ☝️
@ganzwien im from Croatia
@Völkisch Arabic (NS) and what country are you in?
Where in Sweden
Malmo based
So you think you are combatting huwhyte geNOcide by insulting Swedish nationalists on discord? big brain like the rest of your kin
this is the gathering of non-white NS fighters in Sweden
only good arabs I met were levantine christians
a serb, a croat and an arab
the croat is whitest I guess
Who is serb
You are in sweden?
Do you plan to go back @ganzwien
yeah but I was born here
Well you belong to Serbia