Message from @ganzwien
Discord ID: 547547149475381249
@Völkisch Arabic (NS) and what country are you in?
Where in Sweden
Malmo based
So you think you are combatting huwhyte geNOcide by insulting Swedish nationalists on discord? big brain like the rest of your kin
this is the gathering of non-white NS fighters in Sweden
only good arabs I met were levantine christians
a serb, a croat and an arab
the croat is whitest I guess
Who is serb
You are in sweden?
Do you plan to go back @ganzwien
yeah but I was born here
Well you belong to Serbia
And Serbia is in bad condition atm
@ganzwien fixed it for you brøtHHer
tHHanKKKSS brotHHER!!!!!!!
I will probably be there within 5 years
Do you know Vida?
I think he is from Split, not sure
I think its Sisak
Not sure
ah ok
maybe I thought of split because I am listening to kreso bengalka <:spurdo:449290177446281217>
Lol based
He is degenerte tho
>Making songs about drugs
I don't mind though, I can listen to anything, doesn't influence me
Yeah same but I dislike rap and that kind of music
lots of people do and I understand it
but I'm very open minded to music, and also I grew up with white rappers so I don't consider it to be nigger music
Well I disagree on that but if you like it I will recommend Zizi i seki. They are better then Kreso bengalka
I listen to turbofolk unironically