Message from @Hawk Reaper

Discord ID: 808806526147887125

2021-02-09 00:56:23 UTC  

What is this "autumn" you speak of?
now Fall...

2021-02-09 01:26:25 UTC  

Winter is freaking cold, summer is freaking hot, spring is nice but my allergies are way too bad to enjoy it plus it's windy, autumn is perfect weather and has all the best horse show series'

2021-02-09 03:38:05 UTC  

Summer is way too hot and overbearing. Spring is an extension of summer. Winter is too cold. Autumn is just right. Autumn FTW.

2021-02-09 03:50:20 UTC  

Winter because extreme PC overclocking, and no such thing as too cold <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-09 03:54:28 UTC  

Winter for the clothes. Summer for the vacation ,and my birthday is in summer so im going with summer

2021-02-09 03:55:39 UTC  

I will say that winter is the best season if you live in a hot area

2021-02-09 03:56:07 UTC  

In some places winter is the only season with good temperature and the rest of the year is summer

2021-02-09 04:08:18 UTC

2021-02-09 06:41:35 UTC  

Spring! It’s the perfect weather to do anything outside not to hot not to cold

2021-02-09 07:51:35 UTC  

no bcuz then u gotta deal with easter stuff

2021-02-09 09:32:32 UTC  

spring in Ohio be like snow time some years

2021-02-09 09:33:23 UTC  

we've had snow as late as late march before

2021-02-09 13:10:41 UTC  

This season poll is interesting, but here in South Florida we get one season: Summer. We’ve gotten lucky this winter and have had a few cold days though

2021-02-09 19:05:13 UTC  

Same. In Washington (inland at least, screw the coast), snow only comes in Jan, Feb, and into Mar, never before, its just missribly cold all from late Oct

2021-02-09 20:59:05 UTC  

i say summer and i live in arizona :)

2021-02-09 21:00:08 UTC  

I live in Arizona to. Cant wait to get out

2021-02-09 21:00:26 UTC  

im staying until things get really bad

2021-02-09 21:00:50 UTC  

arizona seems like a good place to stay in the zombie outbreak though.

2021-02-09 21:00:58 UTC  


2021-02-09 21:01:35 UTC  

i love it here, personally. the weather is nice, especially in the winter. I don't mind 110 degree summers, and we have some pretty nice scenery

2021-02-09 21:08:22 UTC  

What’s wrong with Easter?

2021-02-09 21:41:53 UTC  

i love easter

2021-02-09 21:48:49 UTC  

what, it isnt so bad

2021-02-09 21:48:53 UTC  


2021-02-09 21:49:31 UTC  

They're unbearable

2021-02-09 21:49:34 UTC  

Also imagine wearing a fursuit thats already 100 degrees **on the inside**

2021-02-09 21:49:40 UTC  

*i dont own a fursuit but still*

2021-02-09 21:51:14 UTC  

Autumn and winter are now tied, with summer following close behind

2021-02-09 22:05:23 UTC  

Too much easter themed candy and stuff I hate it

2021-02-09 22:05:30 UTC  

Too brightly packaged

2021-02-10 00:08:25 UTC  


2021-02-10 00:09:06 UTC  

My birthday is also in spring so that helps

2021-02-10 01:32:08 UTC  

Autumn is the best season because it’s not too hot, not too cold, not many people have allergies in the autumn, and there’s plenty of things to do with a cute girl in the autumn

2021-02-10 01:47:25 UTC  

Winter best

2021-02-10 03:27:27 UTC  


2021-02-10 03:27:30 UTC  

No winter

2021-02-10 03:27:33 UTC  


2021-02-10 03:40:18 UTC  

Yes winter, the colder the better

2021-02-10 03:40:35 UTC  

the reptillians can keep their summer

2021-02-10 04:05:38 UTC  
