Message from @TheCraziestOregonian

Discord ID: 813211374724972605

2021-02-21 19:44:38 UTC  

My cat always runs up to me whenever I come home and wants to be held

2021-02-21 19:55:45 UTC  


2021-02-21 19:56:08 UTC  

Every time my family comes home our cat runs to the door to see us

2021-02-21 20:15:49 UTC  

I don't know why so many people think cats are so evil. They're just like other living creatures. Each one has their own personality and life experiences so they're scared of different things and sometimes will only let people they trust pet them. There are dogs like that too but no one talks about them because fake news.

2021-02-21 20:48:28 UTC  

dogs are the best and cats suck

2021-02-21 23:07:13 UTC  

I'm allergic to cats

2021-02-21 23:07:19 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:07:22 UTC  

they should all die

2021-02-21 23:07:24 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:40:24 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:40:26 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:40:27 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:40:37 UTC  

I like both cats and dogs

2021-02-21 23:40:43 UTC  

smh people are so extreme

2021-02-21 23:40:49 UTC  


2021-02-21 23:47:29 UTC  


2021-02-22 00:27:15 UTC  

Hey Meme, it's really not the time for this right now

2021-02-22 00:27:28 UTC  

Please show some decorum

2021-02-22 00:51:39 UTC  

im slightly allergic, but i love cats. i wouldn't have them as indoor pets, perhaps, but i like them a bit more than dogs

2021-02-22 00:51:40 UTC  

liking cats *and* dogs is pretty extreme in my opinion

2021-02-22 00:51:59 UTC  

i just need a tough cat that doesnt mind being hugged, like some cats

2021-02-22 00:52:11 UTC  

my grandma is now the old cat lady

2021-02-22 00:53:22 UTC  

<:KekFull:802560939500503041> no I'm a very neutral person

2021-02-22 00:53:38 UTC  

Although depending on your lifestyle, having a dog or cat varies

2021-02-22 00:54:31 UTC  

If you travel a lot, like low management pets, or animals that aren't all up in your face, I suggest getting a cat

2021-02-22 00:54:41 UTC  

I love dogs and tolerate cats this is obviously the best position

2021-02-22 00:54:51 UTC  

If you like a more playful companion I suggest a dog

2021-02-22 00:55:12 UTC  

I have two cats and two dogs

2021-02-22 00:55:26 UTC  

And two guinea pigs

2021-02-22 00:55:29 UTC  


2021-02-22 00:55:56 UTC  

Tbh I kinda like the cats because I don't have to take them on walks every two hours

2021-02-22 00:56:25 UTC  

Other than that I would get a cat and a dog in the future

2021-02-22 00:56:34 UTC  

Guinea pigs aren't my things

2021-02-22 00:57:20 UTC  

I grew up with dogs and I love them

2021-02-22 00:57:39 UTC  

I love playing around with dogs and all the funny expressions they make

2021-02-22 00:57:50 UTC  

the personality is the biggest thing for me

2021-02-22 00:58:05 UTC  

I love sassy animals 😆

2021-02-22 00:58:26 UTC  

I do shareboard a horse named Sadie

2021-02-22 00:58:40 UTC  

She's sassy and stubborn and I love her

2021-02-22 00:58:54 UTC  

my grandpa's dog used to argue with him