Message from @Lynx

Discord ID: 814642108006793218

2021-02-25 18:17:01 UTC  

You do not decide when someone dies it's as simple as that

2021-02-25 18:17:18 UTC  

Perhaps God planned for a later time for the conversion in this situation it doesn't help

2021-02-25 18:18:23 UTC  

No, but if someone kills someone, I am not deciding that they should die. they know the rule. they chose that they are willing to live with the consequences of murder, which God states is death. I am not choosing his fate. He chose it himself, I would simply be the one executing his fate

2021-02-25 18:19:50 UTC  

No person should ever kill or decide when someone dies whoever kills him was simply allowed to kill the person, but ofc that doesn't mean he didn't disobey God; God let him do it as it's apart of the curse.

2021-02-25 18:20:03 UTC  

I digress, thank you for this discussion, you've made me think for certain, and my mind, while not changed, is conscious of the situation you've presented. thank you, and have a blessed day

2021-02-25 18:20:15 UTC  

You too.

2021-02-25 20:30:49 UTC  

I'm pro-life and anti-death penalty. Humans have a right to life because we have human dignity. Part of the doctrine of human dignity is that we are born with human dignity. It's inherent. This means you cannot lose human dignity because of the actions you take. If you cannot lose human dignity because of the actions you take, then the death penalty is not justified.

2021-02-25 20:44:40 UTC  

Also one of my rules is never support someone doing something that you wouldn’t do yourself. I would never execute someone so why should I support someone else doing it

2021-02-25 20:56:14 UTC  


2021-02-25 22:30:27 UTC  

What part of my statement confused you?

2021-02-25 22:46:11 UTC  

Well if God wants it it will happen

2021-02-25 22:52:45 UTC  

That brings up an interesting question, then. Most of the animals people eat for food received horrific treatment before they were killed that most people wouldn't inflict on an animal themself, and many people who pay other people to kill animals wouldn't be willing to kill an animal themself. What would you say in this case?

2021-02-25 22:54:55 UTC  

I mean I would be willing to kill an animal for food but I definitely think that the way we produce meat should be more humane as well

2021-02-25 23:13:42 UTC  

Alright. One thing to consider, though, is there's saying something and then doing it. Idk about you, but many people if actually faced with that option, to kill an animal for food, if not in a survival situation I'd suspect many would back off. It's an interesting thing to think about. Anyway yes society definitely needs to move towards humane treatment for animals even for the animals people eat for food. The way most animals in industry get treated today is not acceptable imo.

2021-02-25 23:29:33 UTC  

Pro choice gang

2021-02-25 23:29:42 UTC  

I have reasons come at me

2021-02-25 23:31:18 UTC  


2021-02-25 23:31:29 UTC  

I too like killing innocent babies for no reason

2021-02-25 23:32:15 UTC  

It's also, as you pointed out Pizza, the same thing with the death penalty. People actually responsible for executing people feel bad much of the time. They have to deal with the burden of killing someone (another argument against the death penalty).

2021-02-25 23:33:07 UTC  

You're not just killing a criminal but you also risk doing emotional damage to the people who are supposed to carry out the execution

2021-02-25 23:36:53 UTC  

And there's also the argument that you could execute an innocent person by mistake, and if you do, it's irreversible

2021-02-25 23:36:57 UTC  

Another reason why I’m against it is I believe four percent of people executed were later found most likely innocent, but it’s an irreversible punishment so nothing could be done

2021-02-25 23:37:10 UTC  

Oh lol same time

2021-02-25 23:37:16 UTC  

Lol great minds think alike

2021-02-25 23:38:19 UTC  

At best you can compensate the family somehow but that still doesn't bring the innocent person back to life

2021-02-25 23:38:39 UTC  

Also who would get to decide what crimes are worthy of death cause that’s objective to each individual

2021-02-25 23:39:06 UTC  

Slit it's throat and it's dead simpleas that

2021-02-25 23:39:40 UTC  

Honestly if that happened to me where my brother was wrongly executed and they compensated me I would most likely hate government for the rest of my life

2021-02-25 23:40:17 UTC  

Honestly the problem with the death sentence is that instead of the dead being the only ones dead now another person is dead.

2021-02-25 23:40:33 UTC  

I'm just saying if they had to actually face the reality of doing it and consider everything you'd probably get a lot less people willing to do it

2021-02-25 23:40:50 UTC  

I know

2021-02-25 23:40:55 UTC  

For sure

2021-02-25 23:41:04 UTC  

Yeah same

2021-02-25 23:41:06 UTC  

The death sentence won't make anything better

2021-02-25 23:43:02 UTC  

So I think it shows the distance many people put between them and what they're eating. It would be interesting to see the effects on society if people fully realized that. You'd probably see a lot less people supporting cruel farming practices.

2021-02-25 23:43:31 UTC  

Would it be considered self defense if it was Hitler that was put on trial and executed?

2021-02-25 23:43:40 UTC  


2021-02-25 23:43:48 UTC  

You're just trying Hitler

2021-02-25 23:44:29 UTC  

Cause if someone is that evil I’m assuming we would want to use the death penalty right

2021-02-25 23:44:43 UTC  

Uh no

2021-02-25 23:44:43 UTC  

Self-defense is when you have to kill or injure someone in order to get out of a dangerous situation