Message from @little hollow

Discord ID: 815481296108126238

2021-02-28 05:41:58 UTC  

It is just basic psychology, men are usually going to be the head of the household and are more successful(based on a large scale) at being leaders.

2021-02-28 05:42:15 UTC  

There can be some fantastic female leaders but it is more rare

2021-02-28 05:42:30 UTC  


2021-02-28 05:43:11 UTC  

We may disagree but I like you. You can debate, be civil, and are open to discussion.

2021-02-28 05:43:32 UTC  

Thanks. Likewise.

2021-02-28 05:44:03 UTC  

Just @ me if you want to make liberals mad. They hate seeing right wing trans people.

2021-02-28 05:44:34 UTC  


Most of the basis of my beliefs is based upon the Bible/my faith. That’s where this comes from too. I want someone who is a Christian and does there best to live out those principles.

2021-02-28 05:45:47 UTC  

I’m Christian too, I strive to live to give Glory to God. I struggle with being lgbt and my religion but one day I hopefully will find peace.

2021-02-28 05:46:21 UTC  

Good talking to ya. See ya later.

2021-02-28 05:46:58 UTC  

Read 1 Cor 6. I’d rather u read it for itself and make ur own conclusions than go off of me. If u have questions or other relevant scriptures @ me

2021-02-28 06:06:55 UTC  

that's exactly why i had to disagree, it goes against one of my core beliefs that homosexuality is wrong because my morals are based completely off the bible.

2021-02-28 06:20:15 UTC  

as long as they don't try to force their beliefs surrounding sexuality then I see no reason why not

2021-02-28 06:30:08 UTC  

I'd consider it however I believe my religious beliefs are contrary to the lifestyle. Like practicing homosexuality, I see it as a sin like any other. Trump's multiple divorces and at least one affair was also a struggle for me voting for him in 2016. Trump thou wasn't actively living in sin, thou his speech was certainly at times not Christian like, so voting for an openly homosexual or transgender would be more difficult to vote for.

2021-02-28 07:00:54 UTC  

We had a kenyan president and his husband, orange president and a supermodel, now a dementia patient president and his nurse/doctor...heck, a trans president is just what we need. Ain't no way people can label us americans as biggots, raaaycists and whatnot after all that. 😉 🍻 <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> <:salut:730846445732888630>

2021-02-28 07:10:40 UTC  


2021-02-28 07:10:48 UTC  

Heeeck nah, these people literally don't believe in truth if they think they're a woman when born a man. Why would you vote for someone who has literal provable mental disabilities? One "misgendering" and we might fall into WW3 nuclear fallout, I'm genuinely disappointed so many voted yes.

2021-02-28 07:10:56 UTC  

let's a get a furry president

2021-02-28 07:11:05 UTC  


2021-02-28 07:11:18 UTC  

I will literally pull a Kennedy if that happens

2021-02-28 07:11:28 UTC  


2021-02-28 07:11:31 UTC  

jk jk

2021-02-28 07:11:39 UTC  


2021-02-28 07:11:45 UTC  


2021-02-28 07:11:51 UTC  


2021-02-28 10:42:00 UTC  

Definitely but that would be the rarest thing to ever happen. Id vote for really anyone that fit those characteristics

2021-02-28 17:53:21 UTC  

I wouldn't vote for them, I personally don't think trans people should be in that position of power regardless of beliefs. I don't think any mentally ill people should be in power. (personal opinion here. I don't hate transgender people, I simply know it is biologically impossible to switch and I'd like to see more research done into how to help/"cure" these people without body mutilation and destruction with hormones.)

2021-02-28 18:22:38 UTC  

Would you vote for a trans woman if she was well fit for being President, strong minded, not a career politician, and had beliefs similar to you?

2021-02-28 18:24:04 UTC  

If someone is trans , then automatically fails in of of the tasks of life... being men or women...

We have no insurance that this person will not fail in bigger tasks.

2021-02-28 18:24:48 UTC  

They can talk good , but their doings will decieve you

2021-02-28 18:31:42 UTC  

It depends on the circumstances and their previous history/stances. Getting into the whole trans thing, I've always been fairly androgynous/masculine but I am biologically a woman, and I'm fine with that, because I believe God made me a woman for a reason. I believe it's morally wrong to try to change your gender based on feelings - it (to me) means you're basically saying God was wrong about the gender that he created you as, and I don't think that I could see eye to eye with someone who did so. But like I said, totally depends, I would consider all aspects and probably end up voting for them if they were the lesser evil, and the two party system was still in place during that election.

2021-02-28 20:29:49 UTC  

2 party system should be abolished

2021-02-28 20:47:42 UTC  

@Jwolf would she be born female or born male

2021-02-28 21:04:57 UTC  

I assume born male, but transitioned to female.@muffin

2021-02-28 21:07:30 UTC  


2021-02-28 23:28:00 UTC  

There are only two genders, male and female. God made you to be a man or a woman at birth. End of story.

2021-02-28 23:32:43 UTC  

You can't turn a man into a woman or a woman into a man. They will genetically always be the gender they were born as. You also can't just say you are a woman or a man if you want to be one, whatever gender you were born as will always be the one you will be for the rest of your life and that's final.

2021-02-28 23:51:42 UTC  

I don't think I could vote and agree with a Republican transgender. If there was a far left Democrat against them then yes I would vote for them.

2021-02-28 23:56:25 UTC  

At this point, I think all future Democrats will be far left.

2021-03-01 00:32:28 UTC  

I have a solution for that. 130 fire.

2021-03-01 01:19:16 UTC  

If the candidate is qualified and aligns with my values then yes, I'd vote for them

2021-03-01 02:42:35 UTC  

@Stargatemaster96 I wouldn't say all, I'd say at the most 10% would be old school before Obama Democrats.