Message from @DerektTV_

Discord ID: 815457263749693450

2021-02-28 04:51:00 UTC  

I’m not transphobic

2021-02-28 04:51:46 UTC  

But if they’re pronouns are kitty or panda I might change my mind

2021-02-28 04:52:51 UTC  

A normal tranny( like me) wants she/her. Or a trans man would prefer he/him. It is really that simple

2021-02-28 04:53:24 UTC  

Your transgender?

2021-02-28 04:53:52 UTC  

Yes, kinda why I am the tranny here

2021-02-28 04:55:16 UTC  

But I am reasonable and up for debate.

2021-02-28 04:55:19 UTC  

I didn’t even notice

2021-02-28 05:03:32 UTC  

Also if you disagree, I would love to know why

2021-02-28 05:14:12 UTC  

A damn cactus could run for president and if it was america first I'd still vote for it.

2021-02-28 05:27:37 UTC  


2021-02-28 05:28:25 UTC  

President Cactus, what must we do about the situation of the invaders? “No mercy, use our thorns.”

2021-02-28 05:28:36 UTC  

Someone with gender disphoria is not mentally fit to run for president. Change my mind

2021-02-28 05:29:22 UTC  

I have sympathy for them, and think they are capable people, but not ones that can run America

2021-02-28 05:30:01 UTC  

At least you can defend your viewpoint. Not a bad take.

2021-02-28 05:30:19 UTC  

But I see where you are coming from, it does make sense.

2021-02-28 05:32:25 UTC  

Still more stable than Democrats

2021-02-28 05:32:40 UTC  

Now that, we can agree on

2021-02-28 05:33:24 UTC  

But i give you this question? What if they were stable enough hypothetically?

2021-02-28 05:33:45 UTC  

I really like this take.

2021-02-28 05:35:51 UTC  

What if they took a mental acuity test, was certified by a well known by reputable psychologist and they are plenty fit to be president.

2021-02-28 05:36:02 UTC  

It would depend on the person, I’d have to see it. But I’m definitely skeptical. If I didn’t vote for them, it would be based off of a policy position, not them personally. Their trans stance would just be the position. Irregardless of if they switched or not, it’s a position I disagree with.

2021-02-28 05:36:51 UTC  

I would make my own opinions and not just go off the doctors. If this year has taught me one thing, it’s to not trust the “experts” at face value

2021-02-28 05:37:00 UTC  


2021-02-28 05:38:13 UTC  

I would vote based on policies and if they are fit to be president, If I know they are good, then I see no problem.

2021-02-28 05:38:56 UTC  

Gender or race shouldn’t matter this much, I don’t care if the President is a cactus, only can you do the job well or not.

2021-02-28 05:39:18 UTC  

If someone came and wanted to run, but was a practicing homosexual, I would be skeptical in the same way, because it is wrong. (I’m a Christian). If they were a former homosexual, then different story, but I don’t want a president who exemplifies sinful behavior.

I think a person can have good policy positions but not be qualified for president

2021-02-28 05:39:51 UTC  

And, call me sexist if u want, I think masculine traits (most commonly found in men) are the best for the leader of the US

2021-02-28 05:39:57 UTC  

Which is why I said fit to be president

2021-02-28 05:40:32 UTC  

Name calling gets no where but I understand your point. Men are more natural born leaders

2021-02-28 05:41:31 UTC  

If they took hormone blockers, it would definitely be a no. Those things can mess people up, and the long term effects are unknown

2021-02-28 05:41:58 UTC  

It is just basic psychology, men are usually going to be the head of the household and are more successful(based on a large scale) at being leaders.

2021-02-28 05:42:15 UTC  

There can be some fantastic female leaders but it is more rare

2021-02-28 05:42:30 UTC  


2021-02-28 05:43:11 UTC  

We may disagree but I like you. You can debate, be civil, and are open to discussion.

2021-02-28 05:43:32 UTC  

Thanks. Likewise.

2021-02-28 05:44:03 UTC  

Just @ me if you want to make liberals mad. They hate seeing right wing trans people.

2021-02-28 05:44:34 UTC  


Most of the basis of my beliefs is based upon the Bible/my faith. That’s where this comes from too. I want someone who is a Christian and does there best to live out those principles.

2021-02-28 05:45:47 UTC  

I’m Christian too, I strive to live to give Glory to God. I struggle with being lgbt and my religion but one day I hopefully will find peace.

2021-02-28 05:46:21 UTC  

Good talking to ya. See ya later.

2021-02-28 05:46:58 UTC  

Read 1 Cor 6. I’d rather u read it for itself and make ur own conclusions than go off of me. If u have questions or other relevant scriptures @ me

2021-02-28 06:06:55 UTC  

that's exactly why i had to disagree, it goes against one of my core beliefs that homosexuality is wrong because my morals are based completely off the bible.