Message from @BestStarPilotintheGalaxy🎃
Discord ID: 805803999290327040
Yes, I am 😆
I'm still called a nazi by people who used to be friends until i came out in support of Trump
You made me think of this video. Coming out as a trump supporter, even if only mildly can be difficult.
Those tests always call me “female”.
most of this is what I expected, although I expected markets to be a higher percentage as well as unitary
This is mine
I’m supplied at how many of y’all are males lol
Same for me too. Lol
I think it may be screwed to say that if you have any sort of coursnes to ya that ur very masculine
First try
Second try
Either way, your toe two will be Conservatism and Nationalism
I took the libertarian test. I think I should be in the 50-60 range, but who knows.
i think so
I know right? I'm not insulted but I was thinking I would be a little more female since I like cooking and Pink, but it could be that I'm not that interested in fashion/arts and I like fighting a bit. I remember my family would scold me while growing up that I usually showed more boy-ish wild behavior.
well no parent would really want to see their child 50 feet up a tree, or beating their siblings in a wrestling match
True, I would hear my family screaming at me by the time I reach 5 foot at a tree while my cousins would already be at like 15 feet. And the the worst I ever did was restrain my cousins or let them punch me (and let them win) since I didn't feel much pain from their punches cause they were usually younger than me.
lol, thats kinda how it goes
you do one thing and nobody notices you siblings doing something much worse
you cousins seem pretty cool
OMG that life where an older sibling can't do anything because the "Your sibling doesn't know what he's doing!" rule still exists. and thanks I try to make sure they can defend themselves without being actual bullies (cause then I would set them straight.). and the famous 8 year old endless energy is a thing too.
and russians lol
fuck america