Message from @Prayboy

Discord ID: 817922094485733407

2021-03-04 15:03:52 UTC  

that and if republicans filibuster this bill wouldnt they need 60 votes instead of a simple majority?

2021-03-04 15:05:11 UTC  

plus the fact that we can apply pressure to manchin and sinema if they want to be senators come 2024 (even though manchins career is all but over because of how much of a shift his state has gone to the right in the last few elections)

2021-03-04 15:10:44 UTC  

also if senate decides to make any changes to the bill, it will also send it back to house of reps ...but it means it has to pass senate-modified(already signed by senate with senate approved modifications) or get sent back to senate if congress rejects any changes(endless looping is possible with most bills)

2021-03-04 15:11:16 UTC  

i think 1 bill took like close to 10yrs to pass thru so many loops

2021-03-04 15:12:10 UTC  

right hence why im not panicking over this bill, because there is so much the republicans can do to stop it.

2021-03-04 15:13:01 UTC  

any bill that doesn't reach full constitutional process can be discarded(if any step in the process is not done but signed by either house, it can be determined illegal bill)

2021-03-04 15:16:12 UTC  

so if house of reps failed to do proper committee review with public interaction(basically impossible under 'covid'-restrictions) even in this information age(still on rules for direct in person, not remote video/voice) interaction with the general public for any bill process(even election laws)

2021-03-04 15:17:15 UTC  

they havent been with proxy voting, meaning all the reps on a committee dont have to be actually there to hear the bill but rather just phone in or stream in.

2021-03-04 15:17:25 UTC  

its pathetic if u ask me

2021-03-04 15:17:45 UTC  

every time any local/state gov tried to do that during said lockdown period ...if any person failed to comply to the lockdown conditions, they'd kick everybody out of the public committee review

2021-03-04 15:18:35 UTC  

well house of reps can change their own house rules to a certain extent..but some rules can't be changed ..such as committee review

2021-03-04 15:19:15 UTC  

and it takes both houses to make such a change with full president support

2021-03-04 15:19:27 UTC  


2021-03-04 15:19:42 UTC  

it's a prime constitutional process law...committee review

2021-03-04 15:20:08 UTC  

so basically 2/3's of both houses plus president approval

2021-03-05 00:23:04 UTC  

If you want to know where most of the money in the relief bill is actually going towards, here you go

2021-03-05 02:43:56 UTC  

Ok #PenceforPrez tho

2021-03-06 14:56:13 UTC  

Don't ask for biden to make clearer policies ask for your government to do the same fucking thing

2021-03-06 19:44:23 UTC  

Who made all those Professionally printed shirts and signs?

2021-03-07 00:50:23 UTC  

I think these guys have Biden confused with Trump. Biden doesn't make anything clear. Trump on the other hand made it perfectly clear.

2021-03-07 00:51:19 UTC  

they want trump back because there was a steady simple way to get into the country

2021-03-07 00:54:23 UTC  

well there wont be any jobs left when they get inside

2021-03-07 00:54:33 UTC  

and those checks arnt coming either

2021-03-07 00:58:09 UTC  

dude the only guys that are getting overtime right now at the company I work for are the machinists, welders, and any other skilled labor job.

2021-03-07 00:58:27 UTC  

every other department has either had hours cut and/or layoffs

2021-03-07 10:52:45 UTC  


2021-03-07 10:54:04 UTC  

Jesus take it into the back alley WP we know your relationship with xiden.

2021-03-07 11:33:27 UTC

2021-03-07 11:34:04 UTC  

wapo has to tell both sides... lol

2021-03-07 11:51:22 UTC  

Still tho "showering money on americans" didnt hear that when trump signed his stimulus check.

2021-03-07 12:11:35 UTC  

no... shocks ... confusion

2021-03-07 12:13:51 UTC  

Im confused at what you are getting at, all im saying us that the media is basically in on it with xiden, and that we should expect these types of articles from them praising him as some sort of god while demonizing trumps administration.

2021-03-07 12:15:12 UTC  

seems obvious... and agree... though some may still not get it

2021-03-07 12:17:39 UTC  

And they are the ignorant (and left leaning) individuals of society that refuse to look at the reality of things and simply dont want to hear the bad things coming from congress.

2021-03-07 12:25:02 UTC  

people can't believe they have been lied to by the 'news media' and also won't admit their ignorance... too embarassed or just plain dense....

2021-03-07 12:25:32 UTC  
