Message from @Benjamin.

Discord ID: 807825768804777995

2021-02-07 04:03:36 UTC  

they destroy the family unit, they destroy themselves ...without family..they don't exist in the long term

2021-02-07 04:03:53 UTC  

Yeah, although many leftists are anti-natalists as well

2021-02-07 04:04:23 UTC  

which is odd considering they want to train the youth to be like them

2021-02-07 04:05:49 UTC  

@Drunknfr0g your meme in <#801170175511887968> included the infamous "voter fraud" symbol, thus has been deleted. read <#801170115957489724> for more information

2021-02-07 04:06:37 UTC  

discord: yeah the election was totally fair and joe biden totally won

2021-02-07 04:06:58 UTC  

also discord: yeah if you think or say that there was any voter fraud we'll can you

2021-02-07 04:07:24 UTC  

<:commie_cord:804157077294940210> <:commie_cord:804157077294940210> <:commie_cord:804157077294940210>

2021-02-07 04:07:43 UTC  

discord needs a better financial services dept

2021-02-07 04:08:01 UTC  

are there currently any plans to migrate to another platform like telegram or something

2021-02-07 04:08:07 UTC  

it's currently handled by tencent which is in china

2021-02-07 04:08:18 UTC  

discord is?

2021-02-07 04:08:46 UTC  

Discord also sells data just like Facebook, Twitter, and Google

2021-02-07 04:08:48 UTC  

ya..all their transactions are handled by outside services...mostly by tencent

2021-02-07 04:09:10 UTC  

no wonder they don't want anyone questioning if beijing biden is the duly elected president

2021-02-07 04:09:23 UTC  


2021-02-07 04:09:51 UTC  

Excuse me but the nickname "Beijing Biden" is racist so shut up you anti-Chinese bigot

2021-02-07 04:10:12 UTC  

my bad

2021-02-07 04:10:33 UTC  

no biggie. sorry, man

2021-02-07 04:10:42 UTC  

no worries

2021-02-07 04:11:07 UTC  

<:commie_cord:804157077294940210> <:MadBernie:798735013259640892>

2021-02-07 04:11:11 UTC  


2021-02-07 04:11:23 UTC  

sad indeed

2021-02-07 04:11:36 UTC  

i abhor violence and i would like to live in a world where everyone can get along, but i'm convinced that if people keep getting called racist for non-racist things, people are going to say to hell with it and we're gonna get a race war

2021-02-07 04:11:54 UTC  

and that would be pretty bad

2021-02-07 04:12:50 UTC  

fastest solution to that problem would be to take out all the ones that want war and put them in an arena with those they want the war with that also want war with them

2021-02-07 04:13:13 UTC  


2021-02-07 04:13:20 UTC  

and free entertainment

2021-02-07 04:13:44 UTC  

i'd love to see gladiators now <:Toast:777340311868932126> might as well make the hunger game a reality

2021-02-07 04:13:50 UTC  

if we did a ppv thunderdome with all the socialist manchildren we could probably fund all the dumb programs they want

2021-02-07 04:13:59 UTC  

The term "racist" has been so watered down. Whenever I hear an accusation of racism I won't believe it until given proof because of how overused it is.

2021-02-07 04:14:00 UTC  

anybody caught cheering on either side gets added to the side they support in the arena

2021-02-07 04:14:42 UTC  

oddly enough the ones that invented racism is the socialists/markists

2021-02-07 04:14:53 UTC  

that's my point. people are getting sick of it, and once they decide they've had enough the consequences will be disastrous

2021-02-07 04:15:07 UTC  

i want to avoid that fallout if at all possible

2021-02-07 04:15:14 UTC  

That's already started. It's one of the reasons people voted for Trump.

2021-02-07 04:15:38 UTC  

Yep. "Illiberal Reformers" is a good book that documents that.

2021-02-07 04:15:55 UTC  

it started as their excuse for cultural conflicts or questioning their position on morality even when the question is valid

2021-02-07 04:18:43 UTC  

they that push socialism/marxism would throw terms like racism or anti-semite terms at ppl that question their actions and morality...and oddly enough the ones that claim ppl are anti-semite are not even semite themselves..they just like to use it as an excuse to shut ppl down

2021-02-07 04:18:54 UTC  

"By dividing a population along lines such as race, class, religion, gender, or political preference, or in other words into groups naturally prone to clash, the effects of group psychology render rational discourse and debate between individuals in these separate groups extremely unlikely."

2021-02-07 04:20:57 UTC  

Has anyone seen Mr Reagan's video about the left-wing plot to start a race war btw?

2021-02-07 04:20:58 UTC  

when groups of ppl regardless of race, religion,class, gender, or politics start to merger their race as religion or vice versa...something is really screwy going they're isolating themselves as the oppressed outsider helping out the other ppl they can convince of this