Message from @JDCREW
Discord ID: 811768747509022740
I’d just go by my middle name and never use Jeffery again
Changing your last name would be to complicated I feel like 
Jeffrey Shalib Epstein.
Yeah I would probably just change my first name
Just go by jeff or JE.
dude just got fucked (the top one the bottom got him good)
finding a dead body is one thing, smelling it is another when ur down wind of it
Actually they will be just fine
there was a video a few years ago. Animated, retro music. Chad, MAGA. name of it?
You must be so proud you had me delete a cute video of a puppy and a duck, especially now there are 4 more just like it in the same channel people are enjoying. Good job!
$9200 max rebate !!!! Anyone want a free hvac replacement 🤣 i dont get this, its clear why people shouldnt drink and drive but knowing its a meme it could mean anything
@ThiccTomato Please delete your link in <#801170177902772254> it can be a link to a virus and we dont our users to get infected 🙂
I told you it's wholesome, just the wrong channel. I told you <#801170143849742396> was better
@katniss74 Us Hoosiers don't need her associated with us.
You know i was joking right?
Never Gonna Give You Up
Two step dancee
just makin sure, man, relax
You relax
oi. I don't like the tone in your voice young man >:(
Who’s it by?
No idea all I know is the name
Found it. Thanks
Theres the video
Ur welcome @Jonzer
@The Ambassador this is cute, but not a meme. please post in <#801170143849742396> :)
@00Mjolnir please no talking in meme channels
most of my dates before i stopped dating -
spandex should have the labeling on the outside so potential mates will see it before they take them home with them
Girls are not worth it anymore