Message from @JDCREW
Discord ID: 811771561014722640
You know i was joking right?
Never Gonna Give You Up
Two step dancee
just makin sure, man, relax
You relax
oi. I don't like the tone in your voice young man >:(
Who’s it by?
No idea all I know is the name
Found it. Thanks
Theres the video
Ur welcome @Jonzer
@The Ambassador this is cute, but not a meme. please post in <#801170143849742396> :)
@00Mjolnir please no talking in meme channels
most of my dates before i stopped dating -
spandex should have the labeling on the outside so potential mates will see it before they take them home with them
Girls are not worth it anymore
Just hoes that want to bang bros
@00Mjolnir no talking in meme channels. Rule 12 <#719770967542333442>
Except my type 54, yes your a good boy 54 yes you areee
@[TDE] Smokie, we have one for animal vids <#801170143849742396>
i stopped dating period when a 200-300lb monster attacked me because i looked too cute to ignore
Can y’all send me Rick roll vids?
you asked this 2 days ago I thought
I wish somebody walked up to me and say im cute
I need more
u do have a search engine for ur own rickrolls
Your grandma?
why did that star wars actor get fired?
My bad just had to
no, worse ...a neighbor i was kind enough to fix a fan for
and she was younger than me