Message from @Abby/15/BLM/LGBT/
Discord ID: 820376692878737418
alr peace and stay safe
I'll be back later <:salut:730846445732888630> 👋
bye bye Goldy
Bye Dexy I'll miss you 🥺
i'll miss you too :(
Bye bye <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>
bye bye for now ;-;
you what
i played a round of town of salem
😎 i was the mafia and won
@isoboto I also have gotten a new batch of baby chicks
<:ExcitedPepe:781198443665424424> noiceeee
how many?
oh that's so adorable <:wholesome:805866398462902303>
her other sisters got eaten by a couple dogs
1 chick that has grown to be an adult?
Yes and no
rip to the dead ones <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>
I gotta say I have a ...superious feeling about the biden administartion and the "forced" financial depression... Every war started because of a financial depression, do you guys think that they are activly starting shit?
that's one way of thinking i supposed
although imo if they want a war, they will start one
no need for financial depression
Well, its a great starter to do start a war though
but. having a financial depression means more people may think about joining the army
yes, indeed
any conspiracy theorists here
I need someone to find out the meaning of this video
some of us :))
i can send you an invitation to a server that has conspiracy theorists specifically
The political devision between people, makes people more fierce. And it makes people more supportive.
most conservatives join army
leftwings don't like army and "war"