Message from @sixfivebyfiftyfive

Discord ID: 813820264085323816

2021-02-23 15:24:04 UTC  

Hold up.

2021-02-23 15:26:25 UTC  

Alright, after randomizing the the list of people this could potentially happen to, it happens to six-five. Congratulations, you accidentally fem-dommed yourself in fiction 🤣

2021-02-23 15:26:53 UTC  

fuck, alright

2021-02-23 15:26:55 UTC  

sounds good xD

2021-02-23 15:26:56 UTC  

The other options were nuke and meower.

2021-02-23 15:27:01 UTC  


2021-02-23 15:27:47 UTC  


2021-02-23 15:27:52 UTC  

Also, they're not turning the frogs gay, they're actually turning them trans.

2021-02-23 15:28:11 UTC  


2021-02-23 15:29:08 UTC  

The site I used for the list:

2021-02-23 15:37:27 UTC  

@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty you were on last night, but I missed you because I wanted sleep. Did you have any ideas for that post apocalypse thing?

2021-02-23 15:37:52 UTC  

not really

2021-02-23 15:38:15 UTC  

i was just throwing out an idea i was experimenting with for it

2021-02-23 15:39:12 UTC  


2021-02-23 15:40:31 UTC  

oh I still need to read your exerpt from the other night

2021-02-23 15:40:39 UTC  


2021-02-23 15:41:17 UTC  

It's not much, it's like maybe a page of writing that gives some background into the Alternate-Earth timeline that they're living in.

2021-02-23 15:42:11 UTC  

So don't worry about it. If you don't wish to read it, I always understand.

2021-02-23 16:32:20 UTC  

nah, I just got sidetracked with stuff to do yesterday.

2021-02-23 17:11:11 UTC  

hey @Kreia's Disciple Trow, mind if I dm you an excerpt from something I started working on? Idk if its something I want to publish to the world yet, or anytime soon for that matter. But I think it might be able to tie into our conversation about PTSD, to some degree. :/

2021-02-23 17:11:30 UTC  

Sure, go for it.

2021-02-23 17:12:01 UTC  

aight thx

2021-02-23 18:56:12 UTC  

I will point out that all that stuff up there is essentially story board, it's not the finished product, there's a lot that needs to get filled in. It's not like it evokes any emotion for people to hear "They let him feel the pain for a few minutes".

2021-02-23 23:05:06 UTC  

Was told I could post this here, it's a starter for a campaign/session for DND
"You find a stairwell, the place reaks of dust and mold. Travelling further you find a large metal door, the thing looks pretty solid. Opening the door you find a laboratory with equipment scattered around the room parchment scattered all over the humidity making anything illegible. Going to the main desk you find what remains of a journal Most of the text is smuged or worn, On the last page you can see "They have gotten out, I don't know where they are.... I put out notes on what I know is safe but I can't be sure anymore."

2021-02-23 23:05:32 UTC  

pardon the grammar and spelling

2021-02-23 23:06:55 UTC  

aside from the obviousness I ripped off Prey what do you think?

2021-02-23 23:09:14 UTC  

Not too bad for a start.

2021-02-23 23:10:43 UTC  

the plot hook is finding a wizard's lab that was studying mimics

2021-02-23 23:11:05 UTC  

did one for Ankhegs but I lost the text

2021-02-23 23:11:33 UTC  

Nice. 5 E or 3.5?

2021-02-23 23:11:39 UTC  


2021-02-23 23:11:53 UTC  

also did stuff for Hollow Earth as well

2021-02-23 23:12:37 UTC  

LOL No one asks "4.0?"

2021-02-23 23:12:46 UTC  

Does anyone need to?

2021-02-23 23:13:02 UTC  

I've always been told that 4E was awful

2021-02-23 23:13:03 UTC  

It's all I ever played. (Not by choice.)

2021-02-23 23:13:17 UTC  

Oh, it was miserable.

2021-02-23 23:13:38 UTC  

I got all the books for 5E and resources up for a campaign

2021-02-23 23:13:42 UTC  

It's a large part of what inspired me to create my own system.

2021-02-23 23:14:06 UTC  

The running joke in my campaign was that the conspiracy theorists at the taverns would say that the Underdark doesn't really exist, it's all a hoax, and would suggest the players look into "Solid Earth Theory."