Message from @Kreia's Disciple

Discord ID: 817581545237905429

2021-03-06 02:06:45 UTC  

even when its armed, it can shut itself off if its damaged and misses its target

2021-03-06 02:06:51 UTC  

You mean on the way to target kinda armed? Or ready to launch kind of armed?

2021-03-06 02:06:54 UTC  


2021-03-06 02:07:39 UTC  

hell, if you try hacking a nuke, it will purposefully deactivate itself so you cant use it

2021-03-06 02:09:39 UTC  

That’s... nice to know

2021-03-06 02:10:10 UTC  

its to prevent the enemy from hacking the nuke and making it blow up mid flight, to prevent some very horrid nuclear fallout over some poor fucks area

2021-03-06 02:10:26 UTC  

And you think people who use nukes haven't thought of these things and upgraded the arsenals?

2021-03-06 02:10:57 UTC  

And if they did, do you think you would have access to that information?

2021-03-06 02:11:35 UTC  

also, one of Russia's primary interceptor aircraft is designed in part to target ICBM's, is fast enough that it can enter the stratosphere where it can target more than just an ICBM, like satalights that are bouncing the control signal of the ICBM

2021-03-06 02:12:31 UTC  

The types of nukes we should be using in that situation should be limited to tactical nukes, like the kind that only takes out 3-4 blocks

2021-03-06 02:13:02 UTC  

Well, he's talking about the russians making a full-on offensive into Alaska.

2021-03-06 02:13:24 UTC  

That happens, no way nukes don't get used.

2021-03-06 02:14:17 UTC  

also, there is one small very big issue with nukes, even if the usage of one doesnt enact MAD, you literally cant hold the territory you just hit, meaning you have to cede that territory so you dont kill yourself with radiation

2021-03-06 02:14:28 UTC  

but it also means that the enemy cant hold that region either

2021-03-06 02:14:31 UTC  

And I don't mean just "we launch one to let them know what's up."

I mean Fallout 4 scenario full scale nuclear winter.

2021-03-06 02:15:19 UTC  

nukes for all purpose for modern warfare are pretty much useless if MAD isnt instantly enacted

2021-03-06 02:15:33 UTC  

Which is why it would be enacted.

2021-03-06 02:16:10 UTC  

mean sure, you force the enemy out of the region you want to capture, but it also means you cant go in and hold that territory to put a staging grounds at to dig deeper into enemy territory

2021-03-06 02:16:33 UTC  

But it doesn't matter because literally everyone will be dead, which is why Russia won't do it.

2021-03-06 02:16:48 UTC  

its why no one will fire a nuke, even in a full blown world war

2021-03-06 02:17:10 UTC  

Oh, someone would.

2021-03-06 02:17:27 UTC  

because the objective of war is the acquisition of land and control and influence as much regions as you can to beat the enemy into submission

2021-03-06 02:17:50 UTC  

And besides, you're thinking that everyone would be on your side, why so?

2021-03-06 02:18:09 UTC  

Why would they attack the North only?

2021-03-06 02:18:41 UTC  

I mean, Mexico has it's own guerilla army in cartels alone.

2021-03-06 02:18:45 UTC  

not saying that everyone would be on our side, but the big 2 would certainly take a foot against the US in the event of a civil war

2021-03-06 02:19:05 UTC  

And if war pops off, they going to be happy to take advantage.

2021-03-06 02:19:53 UTC  

they know that they cant take the entirety of the US, but they will take enough of it that they can put staging grounds to influence over long term

2021-03-06 02:20:21 UTC  

No doubt. I'm not saying it would be good, I am saying that it would be disastrous. I am saying that all the things that politicians are scared of doing to other countries? They are not scared of doing to their own citizens.

2021-03-06 02:21:36 UTC  

It would be ugly. All the things I said before. Cities burned out. Homes leveled. Fields poisoned. All of it.

Because the world would celebrate the fall of the American empire.

2021-03-06 02:21:54 UTC  

They wouldn't care if the United States kills itself.

2021-03-06 02:22:36 UTC  

There would be no grand guerilla war where the south fights from a civilian population, because there will be no civilian population.

2021-03-06 03:54:08 UTC  

Politicians main goal, even during civil wars as we can see from our own and others, is to remain in power. Can’t remain in power if you commit war crimes and wipe out the entire southern population (which you seem convinced there’s even a chance of which is dreaming). Enslave, they’d try. Censor, currently trying. Beat, mock, imprison... sure, but not wipe out.

2021-03-06 04:19:20 UTC  

By your logic, China should not exist.

2021-03-06 04:25:55 UTC  

Genocides happen. I am not saying they should happen, or that it is just. But they do. The Russians were doing it to the afghanis before they decided to quit the war. They didn't even bother hiding it, they simply bombed whole villages out of existence. They placed minefields where people grew their crops. Filled in wells.

And they would have succeeded had the Soviet Union not been basically collapsing as they did it. But that was economic policy that killed the soviet union, not the war crimes.

2021-03-06 04:27:09 UTC  

And nobody did a single solitary thing to stop it. They all said "Bad Russia, you shouldn't do that!"

2021-03-06 04:28:28 UTC  

But the most that happened is that we handed weapons to people in Pakistan to hop the border and begin fighting them.

2021-03-06 04:30:02 UTC  

How is that? And I don’t think anyone is denying that genocides happen.. not sure who said that

2021-03-06 04:30:27 UTC  

You did.

2021-03-06 04:30:33 UTC  


2021-03-06 04:30:41 UTC  

Politicians main goal, even during civil wars as we can see from our own and others, is to remain in power. Can’t remain in power if you commit war crimes and wipe out the entire southern population (which you seem convinced there’s even a chance of which is dreaming). Enslave, they’d try. Censor, currently trying. Beat, mock, imprison... sure, but not wipe out.