Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty
Discord ID: 810336401388077066
I want to see reverse open
I love my type 54 on my pfp
It wasnt fired in over 30 years
And we out about 15 rounds through it one day
I just remembered something that happened last year that pissed me off
So my moms boyfriend came over yeah?
Yadda yadda yadda, we talk
He sees my dessert Eagle in its box
I show it to him
And the bastard has the balls to say in front of me:
“TSG’s mom, you should not have gotten him an airsoft gun”
And just like that, I have every intention of avoiding him whenever I even hear of him being near me
Stupid bitch
How do you know he wasn’t joking
Maybe hhe was implying she get you a real Deagle
Oh no he was serious
The only reason I tolerate him is that he’s also a gun owner
If he were a lib I would have kicked him out personally
(Demolition Ranch shows up)
Will an asshole boy friend stop a 50
Not demolition ranch enough
Try howitzer
Or a cannon, lol
Strap him to a ton of tannerite and use him for artillery target practice
A poison dart with aids in it
Use a Walker
The Star Wars type or the revolver?
The revolver