Message from @Abby/15/BLM/LGBT/
Discord ID: 810333459129827368
Feels nice
Have a Glock 19 airsoft gun
Without a working slide
Only con is the mag release
It's just so flush
Miley still part of shooting my SR 16 is that I shoe with the box stuck on my left shoulder and my left hand on the trigger
So my right hand is forward
And when I have to reload I have to tilt the gun up move my right hand back to pull out the Meg
How much rather have a left hand release
I have to keep playing with it but i use my shooting hands thunb
I do MW:2019 reloads pretty easilu
I have to get better at reloads
Currently I have to tilt the gun up
Quickly press the button with my thumb and pull out
I that good?
Sorry it’s a bit long
It’s only a little over though
I want to see reverse open
I love my type 54 on my pfp
It wasnt fired in over 30 years
And we out about 15 rounds through it one day
I just remembered something that happened last year that pissed me off
So my moms boyfriend came over yeah?
Yadda yadda yadda, we talk
He sees my dessert Eagle in its box
I show it to him
And the bastard has the balls to say in front of me:
“TSG’s mom, you should not have gotten him an airsoft gun”
And just like that, I have every intention of avoiding him whenever I even hear of him being near me
Stupid bitch