Message from @Zachary
Discord ID: 804424547200925697
Daniel 12, humanity has accomplish alot in the last 100 years compared to other century combined
I was just wondering what do you think of the Mormon religion.
I recently turned 16 and started to wonder what other people's opinions are.
I was talking about this with someone else, but the world is the way it is because christians are weak and their soy lattee fence sitting,
Let me explain: So God does not support good people being nice to people doing bad things and just saying "Well God is in control so God will do what he wishes." This first sin a man committed was in Genisis "And so Eve gave some to her husband, WHO WAS WITH HER." Adam did nothing, if anything he did the most cowardly thing letting his wife eat a fruit that God said would kill her if she ate it. Instead of slapping it out of her hand and saying "No we shouldnt do that. It will kill you." And trust in what god said, he sat back and let her experiment for him and when the coast was clear he then tried some.
God carries my pain
Likewise the british adopted an interesting policy of doing nothing about a up and coming president of German. Might know him, went by the name of Adolf. The went with the classic church person logic of "well this does not concern us so lets not cause waves." Which is what the german people said when they rounded up jews. "Well God has a plan, and he will do what he is gonna do so Im just going to read my bible and let them do this."
It is christians who have become weak. Too weak to fight back. Too weak to make a stand. So weak they even try to hold other people back saying things like "Hey, offending people is not very christian of you. Would Jesus say something mean?"
Yes. Yes he would.
He called the religious people of his day "Sons of serpents."
We have a similar term here in america...
So clearly calling people names that are deserved is not a sin and Jesus WOULD do it.
Jesus also took stands on very unpopular opinions and did not back down even when he had to expel elements from the temple. Which as a result the tried to stone him for afterwards and he left before they could.
In revelations no less it says "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
and that was in reference TO a church btw, not just some person.
Perhaps these are the end of days, the church today seems so limp wristed it can barely do anything beyond tweet and give a few expired cans of food to the poor.
@Mercy quite agree, although we must make sure to stand for the truth of God and nothing else. speak against half truths and lies and spread the good new of Jesus. just remember, love others as Jesus loved us! not to say be soft though
We are called to be like Jesus and follow Jesus, but we are not called to BE Jesus. So walk softly, but carry a big stick.
Don't start a fight, but be prepared to finish one.
but we do everything in the name of Jesus so be discreet is all i say
I don’t think He was very much discreet
-Take a whip to a guy and overthrow the temple and fled when the priests tried to stone him
-Performed miracles to spite the Sanhedrin's petty rules
-Hung out with rough dock workers, hookers and loan sharks of the day
-Judged those who were judgemental and forgave those who wanted forgiveness
Yeah he would not be the hero of any story outside of the bible
ALSO watching the show "Sweet home" and the christian guy is NOT some evil judgemental stereotype. Good job korea!
Jesus never whipped anyone.
"So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables."
Now... call me crazy but when using a cord to drive after the bible says he 'made a whip out of it' its pretty contradictory to your bibleschool version of jesus.
Jesus hit the walls with it
your making that up.
If he would have hurt anybody, Jesus would not have been perfect, therefore defeating the entire point of Jesus
Nope. Wrongo.
Even the bible says "spare the rod spoil the child."
So, it's a sin if I punch my brother in the face, but when Jesus does it, it's not a sin?
Punishment isnt a sin if its deserved.
That's about punishment between a father and a child
Is not god the Father and we his children?
It also would have been sin because it was in the Temple. It's highly hypocritical to say Jesus whipped a man in the Temple when he was mad at the people for selling things in the Temple