Message from @Mercy

Discord ID: 810716332387205130

2021-02-14 23:31:58 UTC  

I dont really care what someone else says. If a Vegan tells me that its okay to use butter, crab and milk because its an exception to veganism, its still a contradictory to its nature and despire what any scientist vegan will say, it will not change those facts.

2021-02-14 23:57:15 UTC  

I have Mercy blocked for a reason. I think his entire existence revolves around pissing people off and starting arguments.

2021-02-15 01:02:04 UTC  

Why? Because you don't like his opinions and the facts?

2021-02-15 01:07:17 UTC  

For the people of ancient Rome, the festival of Lupercalia was an annual ritual believed to ward off evil spirits and increase fertility. Lupercalia (also known as Februatio, from which comes the month name February) was popular among many of the new converts to the fast-rising Catholic Church.

2021-02-15 01:08:32 UTC  

people were looking to obtain fertility by being beaten with strips of animal skin called februa

2021-02-15 01:11:01 UTC  

It was originated from paganism

2021-02-15 01:11:19 UTC  

Just like chirstmas, and Halloween

2021-02-15 01:37:57 UTC  

You have blocked me because your a sensitive snowflake, and you know what I am saying because you are morbidly curious. Go back to twitter where you belong.

2021-02-15 01:39:04 UTC  

Notice I dont keep bringing them up, but like a girlfriend you broke up with, they wont stop badmouthing you to everyone and anyone, even if it has nothing to do with them.

2021-02-15 03:02:07 UTC  

@Mercy maybe try a less hostile approach.

2021-02-15 03:07:52 UTC  

Lupercalia was a three day holiday from the 13-15th. Valentine's is a one day "holiday" on the 14th, an almost entirely secular day for exchanging printed cards called “valentines.” The valentine referred to in “Valentine’s Day” would refer to the cards and not to the saint guy with the same name.

2021-02-15 03:16:17 UTC  

Hostility would be different. What I do is take the un PC/polite route. The world needs less whipped people in it. Ive talked about this before, but the reasons christians are not respected and lost all ground they held is because they were soft fence sitting "We better not do anything that could offend people" that were weak.

2021-02-15 03:16:37 UTC  

Just because I riff on people does not mean I am being hostile.

2021-02-15 03:28:43 UTC  

I'm fine with opinions and facts. Check out everything Mercy has been up to across the channels. You can't have an opinion on this discord server without Mercy showing up and insulting you for it.

2021-02-15 03:29:06 UTC  

That's why I have him blocked and not you.

2021-02-15 03:30:55 UTC  

I mean, hell, I disagree with Bourbon in Giftwrap about 99% of everything, but at least we can agree to disagree. Mercy will just keep ranting until you mute him.

2021-02-15 03:31:41 UTC  

@Mercy oh c'mon mercy, no need to keep the dial turned to 11, take it down a couple of notches perhaps a cool 8. I imagine ud be pretty boring if u turned the dial all the way down to 3. Lol.
Ur among friends 🍻 🍻

2021-02-15 03:33:25 UTC  


2021-02-15 03:35:37 UTC  

As far as this festival goes, yes, how do you think they should have done it? Gone to war with them and simply declare the fistival illegal?

2021-02-15 03:35:52 UTC  

Lately I havent really said much one way or the other lately and have dialed it down. But speaking the truth offends people. Its been pretty boring really.

2021-02-15 03:37:16 UTC  

A lot of people translate sarcastic and cynical as insulting and aggressive.

2021-02-15 03:37:49 UTC  

Baby steps mercy....baaaaybeee steps 😉

2021-02-15 03:38:18 UTC  

A baby down steps you says?

2021-02-15 03:39:43 UTC  

Is he bringing up anything about the festival? Any good points?

2021-02-15 03:40:46 UTC  


2021-02-15 03:40:53 UTC  


2021-02-15 03:41:24 UTC  

I was talking about a subject people were on earlier, the common festival that turned into what we know of as Valentines Day.

2021-02-15 03:41:30 UTC  

I live in these guys heads so rent free. I dont even have to talk to them and they are still talking about me.

2021-02-15 03:42:11 UTC  

But if you guys aint gonna discuss religion, I suggest moving to another chat.

2021-02-15 03:45:09 UTC  

Last I checked, you aint the boss, and people can just have idle chat with each other without everything having to be religious 100% of the time Karen.

2021-02-15 03:45:37 UTC  

Anyway, Im out, Later qwert.

2021-02-15 03:45:44 UTC  

It could also be coincidental, lupercalia was a three day "festival". Valentine's could've landed on any of those days. 🤷‍♀️
It's like we christians, do our own thang...and u romans y'all enjoy ur festivities.

2021-02-15 03:49:40 UTC  

Well, the catholics were on to something, and it's effective. It's why SJW woke culture has gotten so far and nobody has stopped it. The social justice types are using the exact same techniques that the Catholics used centuries earlier. You take somebody else's culture and you slowly subvert it.

I mean, sure, the Festival may have *started* as a Roman tradition. But to say that it's Roman now is as silly as saying that BLM is still about racial equality. Regardless of how it started, it bears little resemblance to that now.

2021-02-15 03:50:51 UTC  

Here's a fun tid bit, there actually was three guys named valentine all lived under emperor claudius the 2nd. We know the first two, the third was another that died a christian martyr in africa. It's like the name paul, try yelling paul at an italian luncheon... probably half the room would respond. 😆

2021-02-15 03:51:09 UTC  

Good point.

2021-02-15 03:52:46 UTC  

Which one is the one we know of as *the* Saint Valentine? I am traditional (WELS) Lutheran (but sister is a strong traditional Catholic).

2021-02-15 03:54:09 UTC  

This I've heard this about sol invictus and Christmas, hint: we we're celebrating Jesus' birthday way before records of sol invictus in 230s ad showed up. Technically we got squatters rights. Besides sol invictus wasn't an anual holiday for the romans. But Christmas was. 😉

2021-02-15 03:55:55 UTC  

If u go deeper, the eastern christians (the orthodox folks), celebrate Christmas in early January.

2021-02-15 03:56:24 UTC  

But were we celebrating it as a midwinter festival, though? Because Jesus'....And you beat me to it, nevermind. Answered the question before I could ask.

2021-02-15 03:57:10 UTC  

Eeyyy ...u know what they say about great minds. Lol 😉