Message from @DeButcher

Discord ID: 811635636964294677

2021-02-17 16:23:13 UTC  

Jesus paid it all.

2021-02-17 16:23:47 UTC  

No, that's abusing his grace,

2021-02-17 16:24:43 UTC  

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; aga

2021-02-17 16:24:44 UTC  

Correct but our actions can be good or evil. If I believe in God but still do horrific acts of violence I would go to hell

2021-02-17 16:25:37 UTC  

Bro if you fully accept Jesus then you will follow his commandment.

2021-02-17 16:26:05 UTC  

There are many fake "christian" that say they believe but don't any good

2021-02-17 16:26:29 UTC  

But they may believe Jesus exists and according to you that’s good enough to go to heaven

2021-02-17 16:26:35 UTC  

Follow by Christ example

2021-02-17 16:26:57 UTC  

It's not

2021-02-17 16:27:14 UTC  

Exactly you need to do good

2021-02-17 16:27:15 UTC  

They are fake christian

2021-02-17 16:27:40 UTC  

Look at it like this a criminal in jail on his last few minutes of life before death. He repents and is truly regretting his actions and ask God forgiveness and believes that Jesus chirst did die on the cross and rose from the dead will he be saved or will God not save him?

2021-02-17 16:27:45 UTC  

You need to do good but it's not part of the salvation

2021-02-17 16:28:04 UTC  

Does that make sense

2021-02-17 16:28:20 UTC  

So I can do evil and still go to heaven if I believe in God according to you

2021-02-17 16:28:50 UTC  

If you are doing evil then you are not christian

2021-02-17 16:29:19 UTC  

So if you do good are you Christian?

2021-02-17 16:29:23 UTC  

You haven't buried your sins in christ and follow your fleshy desire

2021-02-17 16:29:45 UTC  

Not all christian go to heaven

2021-02-17 16:29:50 UTC  


2021-02-17 16:30:15 UTC  

@Pizzacork read Galatians 5: 18-26

2021-02-17 16:30:21 UTC  

Guys go back to surman on mount, the standard is really high

2021-02-17 16:30:40 UTC  

You cannot fulfill this standard by your own works

2021-02-17 16:30:51 UTC  

You need christ

2021-02-17 16:32:02 UTC  

Just aheads up I'm experiencing power outage so I'm going talk to y'all later

2021-02-17 16:33:37 UTC  

According to that scripture you must do good to go to heaven, you cannot do evil or what it lists

2021-02-17 16:34:52 UTC  

The thing about good deeds and bad deeds, sometimes people think you weigh one against the other and if you have enough good deeds you are good, i like to think of it as a cup, for every good deed you get one drop of water, for every bad deed you get a drop of posion, at the end you need to drink the cup, i know i wouldnt want to drink mine

2021-02-17 16:36:13 UTC  

I don’t think anyone is good so obviously it can’t outweigh it, but it is still necessary to do good or you won’t go to heaven

2021-02-17 16:41:32 UTC  

Romans 10:8-9 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

2021-02-17 16:43:11 UTC  

James 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

2021-02-17 16:55:03 UTC  

I think its important to look at that verse in context, the entire chapter revolves around relationships between believers, I as flesh and blood can't know where your heart is , all i can know about where you are with the Lord is how you behave, and whether or not it is in line of what jesus taught, on the other hand God does know your heart and he truly knows if gave your life to christ (sorry for my english if there are any mistakes)

2021-02-17 16:58:56 UTC  

I mean it says pretty clearly to do good works. James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also

2021-02-17 17:35:53 UTC  

Ill be back, just need to take care of a few things

2021-02-17 17:38:58 UTC  

Class is about to start for me so dm me if you wanna continue talking and I’ll get back to it

2021-02-17 17:40:18 UTC  


2021-02-17 17:49:25 UTC  

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8‭-‬9

2021-02-17 18:00:26 UTC  

Doing good comes as a result of our salvation, not the cause

2021-02-17 18:04:41 UTC  

yo pray for Rush Limbaugh, just heard he died. ;-;

2021-02-17 18:05:17 UTC  

The term "believe in Jesus" does not mean to simply believe He was real, but more to put your trust in Him.
Satan knows Jesus is real, and is the Son of God, but that doesn't make him saved.
You have to put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross for your sins (YOU personally) and rose again on the 3rd day.
If you do that, you accept the free gift of forgiveness and salvation of God. All your sins are forgiven and forgotten.

2021-02-17 18:06:06 UTC  

@Pizzacork its pretty clear through the NT that we are saved by faith and not works, i still hold the opinion that the book of James is there to help us get a better feeling if the people around us holds true faith or they are lying.

2021-02-17 18:07:40 UTC  

And yes, the saved still struggle with sin, and addiction to sin, but this is different to sinning when you're not saved.
If you attempt to 'abuse' His grace, then you were never genuine in repentance in the first place.