Message from @Pizzacork

Discord ID: 815430374754484274

2021-02-28 03:41:55 UTC  

the early church had many leaders

2021-02-28 03:42:17 UTC  

He was the first leader, put there by Jesus

2021-02-28 03:42:18 UTC  

each city had 12 elders

2021-02-28 03:42:34 UTC  


2021-02-28 03:42:55 UTC  

And I thought you said the church was “believers” not an actual church

2021-02-28 03:43:02 UTC  

You go back and forth a lot

2021-02-28 03:43:17 UTC  

So who was the first leader, who appointed them?

2021-02-28 03:44:11 UTC  

your asking for one name aren't you

2021-02-28 03:44:24 UTC  

Not necessarily

2021-02-28 03:44:42 UTC  

I would say the apostles were

2021-02-28 03:45:17 UTC  

Sorry if I read this wrong but do you think James is the literal brother of Jesus or did you use the word in the sense of like saying brother to anyone

2021-02-28 03:45:19 UTC  

The Bible said Peter to start the Church, and you guys are so connected and knowledgeable of the Bible , so why would it be the apostles

2021-02-28 03:45:47 UTC  

I think he meant John or someone

2021-02-28 03:46:27 UTC  

what do you mean?

2021-02-28 03:46:54 UTC  

You said James the Brother of Jesus, he’s just confused on what you meant

2021-02-28 03:47:42 UTC  

Like do you think James is literally Jesus’s brother. Born from the same mother

2021-02-28 03:48:05 UTC  

Also, Pizzacork, did you read my essay?

2021-02-28 03:48:08 UTC  

there were 2 James, James the brother of John and James one of Mary's children after she gave birth to Jesus.

2021-02-28 03:49:03 UTC  

Does the Bible say Jesus had a brother?

2021-02-28 03:49:07 UTC  

I’m curious

2021-02-28 03:49:11 UTC  

Can you cite where it says they’re brothers

2021-02-28 03:49:25 UTC  

Not yet but I will soon

2021-02-28 03:49:53 UTC  

of course, you think Mary stayed a virgin forever don't you

2021-02-28 03:50:12 UTC  

No, she got married, why wouldn’t they have sex?

2021-02-28 03:50:28 UTC  

If you think posting like an hour of materials to respond to is winning, by all means, Im sure your opinion will win the argument.

2021-02-28 03:51:16 UTC  

Well, it’s better argument than both of ours last nights, yesterday it was “Bible?” And “no Bible?”

2021-02-28 03:51:33 UTC  


2021-02-28 03:51:59 UTC  

Supertone or Pizzacork, can you please ask Mr fusion what the benifits to praying to a third party adds to the whole praying to god aspect.

2021-02-28 03:52:28 UTC  

I explain that, but your to lazy to read it so we’ll never know

2021-02-28 03:53:30 UTC  

Excuse me, I am talking to my argument saints THANK YOU.

2021-02-28 03:54:22 UTC  

A lot of these could be translated as me calling everyone in this channel as brothers. Or going to church and a pastor saying brothers and sisters. It doesn’t mean we’re biologically related but more spiritual related

2021-02-28 03:54:50 UTC  

You don’t have one, I spell my argument out in a lengthy essay, and then you just go “what’s the benefit” even though I talk about it

2021-02-28 03:55:14 UTC  

so did Mary have other children after Jesus?

2021-02-28 03:55:30 UTC  

This may or may not help

2021-02-28 03:59:24 UTC  

wasn't John the Baptist a cousin of Jesus, I think 2nd cousin.

2021-02-28 03:59:37 UTC  

Believe so

2021-02-28 04:00:11 UTC  

With all the translations, they could be just close relatives

2021-02-28 04:00:12 UTC  

I suggest just reading what MrFusion posted cause it doesn’t necessarily mean actual brothers cause it has been used as relatives like uncles and nephew or cousins