Message from @redskegg
Discord ID: 327257012352319510
Was she SJW
Yeah, I just read some femnazi's twitter and shuddered at what could have been my fate
No she was very unengaged with things
Being sjw would have required effort. She would not have wasted the energy
But she had liberal ideas. Bernie voter, agnostic, etc
Oh god
Speaking of Bernie I just saw that clip "white people dont know what it's like to be poor" lmao
She just cared way too much about what others thought so she never stuck her neck out
Link please
Yes. She lived the materialistic and individualistic life as most of them do.
Hold on
Report that page and send them this pic.
The end. He says it.
That whole video pisses me the fuck off just watching it again.
Why do they always play the same dipshit happy tune on all those sjw vids?
No clue
Wondered the same
Why are those white people self hating cucks though
Because it's easy and trendy
Because they feel alienated already and are jumping on someone else's "oppressed" bandwagon
Fucking Bernie
It's so funny none of them were in Austin. Lol. Maybe they see that shit is hitting the fan.
Currently in process of feces being tossed
Shit is hitting the fan. We let them have a couple of years. Now we're going to take that time back plus interest like a Fucking Jew.
It's time to tax that ass
We will stuff their lying, dirty mouths.
I just wanted to say thank you guys for being cool as fuck and for helping to make all this happen.
I couldn't have picked a better group of people.
Hell yea man.
I'm still new but I agree totally
Well, I guess i'm new too. With so much bad shit going on, though, I'm making it a point to count my blessings.
Wheb did you join?