Message from @RedbirdOctober, CBP

Discord ID: 814995155165380609

2021-02-26 21:00:54 UTC  

and it goes back straight up

2021-02-26 21:00:56 UTC  

nobody wants to hold onto any stocks over the weekend

2021-02-26 21:01:04 UTC  

look at it!

2021-02-26 21:01:08 UTC  


2021-02-26 21:01:24 UTC  

straight to 110

2021-02-26 21:01:36 UTC  

damn it GME, it's the weekend now, don't rocket now

2021-02-26 21:01:57 UTC  

you had all day today and yesterday to take off

2021-02-26 21:02:22 UTC  

whatever, I'm not selling anyways

2021-02-26 21:02:27 UTC  

rocket away lol

2021-02-26 21:02:42 UTC  


2021-02-26 21:23:30 UTC  

I like the stock

2021-02-26 21:24:48 UTC  

Also, every time I see that video of Keith Gill giving that testimony about Gamestop, I keep thinking of John Travolta's character from Pulp Fiction

2021-02-26 22:53:56 UTC  

“Because it wasn’t properly implemented” is the “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy. That response is also suggestive that the respondent is incredibly egotistical or is an acolyte of someone who is incredibly egotistical. Anyone who thinks they have the right way to implement socialism/communism is highly probable to be one of the people who lives on the top of the Dunning-Kruger chart.

2021-02-26 22:56:39 UTC  

English please?

2021-02-26 22:57:09 UTC  

It’s moving the goalposts plus the utopia fallacy.

2021-02-26 22:57:40 UTC

2021-02-26 22:58:07 UTC  

That wasn’t truly communism

2021-02-26 22:58:12 UTC  

Same logical fallacy

2021-02-26 22:58:38 UTC  

If they had just implemented it right

2021-02-26 22:59:16 UTC  

that is what I understand. Problem with most of "leftists" is like you said, they are mostly "acolytes" of this idiocy... and this is I wanna find someway to... reach them.

2021-02-26 22:59:46 UTC  

It must be done using the Socratic method

2021-02-26 23:00:04 UTC  

It is of the utmost importance that you force them to define communism at the beginning

2021-02-26 23:00:30 UTC  

Then they can’t backpedal and say what is or is not true communism

2021-02-26 23:01:19 UTC  

I typically go with the self ownership starting point

2021-02-26 23:02:11 UTC  

Me: Do you believe in slavery?
Them: No! Of course not! Slavery is horrible.
Me: So you believe in self-ownership?
Them: Yes!

2021-02-26 23:03:28 UTC  

Me: If you own yourself, do you own the fruits of your labor, assuming you didn’t infringe upon another person’s life or liberty in order to create that fruit?

2021-02-26 23:03:45 UTC  

This is where they start tripping

2021-02-26 23:04:22 UTC  

Did you know that after the Civil War, it was widely considered to be a form of “soft” slavery to tax a man’s labor?

2021-02-26 23:05:29 UTC  

It wasn’t until 1913 that that notion was eliminated with the federal income tax *grumble grumble expletive December 23 1913 grumble expletive quorum my expletive grumble*

2021-02-26 23:19:04 UTC  

You formulated it really well. Full respect for that. My intention to use most common ideas that promoting socialism among youth. Idea with AI training as ... methaphore of economy should be showed after they admitt that in socialism/communism economy/market HAS to be centralised by definition. And why in this case any centralised economy is doomed to fail. of course my example is really OVERSIMPLIFIED, but it is designed to reach generation of Meme. it should be as short and simple as possible. Basically splitted in very short sections, to undermine "faith" in marxism, to force them to start THINKING about it. Left is big on equality. Right basically too, but most of leftist thinks that Equity(as equality of outcome) is just a better equality (equality of opportunity). Because if everybody got the same opportunities, everybody should have same outcome? Right KNOW that you cannot achieve equity, if you DON'T sacrifice equality.

2021-02-26 23:26:57 UTC  

equity is just bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator

2021-02-26 23:27:27 UTC  

equality is also a fantasy

2021-02-26 23:27:36 UTC  

theres no such thing as true equality

2021-02-26 23:27:44 UTC  

ppl arent as smart as each other

2021-02-26 23:27:49 UTC  

as strong as each other

2021-02-26 23:27:52 UTC  

etc etc

2021-02-26 23:56:45 UTC  

equality of opportunity, in meaning of having possibility to doing something based on merit/skill instead of being blocked for belonging to particular group (gender,race, nationality), so basically what we have today. what you describe is what equity means in practice, not in "theory". Main problem with left they think in therms of groups instead of individualities, yet they try to set the standards for particular "group" based on achievements of individuals. They use statistic when it fit their narrative, and o the same token they totally ignoring it when it oppose it. Other arguments against this stupid ideology. problem is how to reach "usefull idiots" that they at least will start THINK about that

2021-02-26 23:57:45 UTC  

ye equality of opportunity is as close as its gonna get

2021-02-27 00:39:44 UTC  

exactly. There are stuff you can improve, but that is normal. We evolve, world change, technology change, society change. We have to adapt. As a example: I am convinced that there is a place for women in todays military, but I am really, really against those "quotas" and lowering standards to met those "quotas". Technology is a great gender equaliser, while physically, desite what left pushing, women are much weaker on almost every level from men. But difference in psychology inteligence is a way more vague. Not only you cannot say that women are less inteligent (more difference is what they are statistically interested, or there are differences in emotional vs logical inteligence), but this difference is basically statistical. so you will find MORE men interested in STEM than women, but you cannot say that men are BETTER at stem because statistic say so. You will find that MORE men got better spatial orientation, but that doesn't mean that you will not find women exactly as good in those terms as men. Problem is when you wanna to fill the quotas of "equity", so you differ standards based on gender alone. this will, or rather allready leading to drastically lowering "quality" of those soldiers. so: MET the standards is the key. IF you wanna to have more women for "reasons"... there is always a way.

2021-02-27 00:43:34 UTC  

In old Scifi book, unfortunatelly i forgot the title, i found a pretty neat proposal to solve "similar" problem. Today soldier have to be both inteligent and strong, too much tech, too much knowledge that pure force is sufficient. also in modern military you need way more people in backline to support one in frontline warrior. And those in backline have job more skill based, so inteligence is the key. This proposal i readed was pretty simple. there are minimums both for inteligence, and physology just like now. Candidate should met both minimums to pass. Idea was to take MEDIAN of those requirements. Lower each one to have more candidates, but not lower median. So either you have candidates similar to now, or some weaker but way smarter, or maybe not brightest, but extraordinary strong 😉 There is place for each of them. This nerd will be not fit for frontline, but to be drone operator? intel puke? cyberwarfare specialist? or even a technician to take care on this sophisticated equipment? Brute... well. You will always find in field place for brutes.

2021-02-27 00:50:51 UTC  

and sorry for my english. Not from US.