Message from @optimas

Discord ID: 817018815153569835

2021-03-03 22:43:37 UTC  

get fucked disney

2021-03-03 22:43:53 UTC  

lol glad I pulled out when I did, and my money poisoned them!! (yes I'll take credit)

2021-03-04 00:11:36 UTC  

so, apparently stocks that do well with "stay at home" stuff like zoom, netflix, pelaton, those are all supposed to be declining while vaccine roll-outs are happening. at least according to the "experts"

2021-03-04 00:12:13 UTC  

I'm thinking it'll be going down along with everything else since the economy is toppling due to paris climate accord and making oil/gas scarce, which will drive up that price (and stock)

2021-03-04 00:14:18 UTC  

I still applaud you for that move.

2021-03-04 00:16:13 UTC  

I would be down -2700 today had I not

2021-03-04 00:19:48 UTC  

Laugh, for it is a glorious day.

2021-03-04 00:20:49 UTC  

gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them

2021-03-04 00:21:47 UTC  

at best I think I might have been able to hold onto it until it raised up a little bit and lost maybe only a couple hundred but I was done with it. Twitter made up for it by announcing some earnings and netted me a nice boost in profit, but I bought out of it and never returned (and neither did their stock value lol)

2021-03-04 00:30:55 UTC  

Just a heads up to anyone investing long term and we're about to do a ton of middle east bombing / troop deployments:
**Oshkosh (OSK):** maker of the armored vehicles that replaced the HMMWV
**General Dynamics (GD):** makes the ASIP/SINCGARs radios the troops carry.
**Boeing (BA) and Textron (TXT):** Makers of unmanned ariel drones
**Lockheed Martin (LMT):** Makes missiles, some of the more aging helicopters, might keep an eye on it but not sure about stock growth

2021-03-04 00:36:03 UTC  

not financial advice.. just pointing out who makes what if you want to watch it

2021-03-04 02:15:40 UTC  

what about VISL

2021-03-04 02:16:16 UTC  

they just got a contract from the dod for 4mil

2021-03-04 02:16:29 UTC  

its low but seems it could be promising longterm

2021-03-04 02:26:59 UTC  

For certain communications, it'd be good, especially if we're putting up new airbases

2021-03-04 02:27:37 UTC  

why not buy both them and general dynamics? Cover both satellite and RF communications

2021-03-04 04:59:44 UTC  

I like the stock šŸ˜„

2021-03-04 12:55:04 UTC  

I should invest in coffee

2021-03-04 12:55:05 UTC  

I had a very aggressive portfolio last year and i lost around 80k in March last year, I held the line and since last year Iā€™m now +130k.

2021-03-04 12:56:44 UTC  

That's good that you recovered. The point I was making is that something gets lost, be it time, or money, or both. Had you not lost that 80k, you would be at 210k now instead of 130k assuming the market continued the climb it was doing previously before/after that dip

2021-03-04 13:01:05 UTC  

I came very close after losing the money to start selling my body on the corner. I held the line

2021-03-04 13:03:52 UTC  

I don't like disclosing financial info, but just a snapshot of what that covid hit looked like

2021-03-04 13:04:51 UTC  

That dip in the middle, I'm never getting that back, that was a 50k drop

2021-03-04 13:05:13 UTC  

as you can see, it's still rising at the rate it was going before

2021-03-04 13:08:15 UTC  

So... either way you look at it @optimas , I'm either losing money, or time. If I look at it strictly on money sense, then yes, I didn't "lose money" but I lost time. But really, I lost money. There wasn't an immediate spike from that drop in 50k. It still continued upward as it had before

2021-03-04 13:11:36 UTC  

That's why I am saying, of course, start investing in retirement as soon as you can, but if you're wanting to invest long term on volatile stocks, that would be a loss for you

2021-03-04 13:12:05 UTC  

unless you pick up some of those government/military specific stocks I mentioned earlier

2021-03-04 13:12:22 UTC  

guarantee you that's how the swamp is getting rich

2021-03-04 13:17:27 UTC  

another billionaire pulled out of tesla entirely, even though they were saying it was going to go back up

2021-03-04 13:19:28 UTC  

one thing I learned.. if the stock is in the news, be it good or bad news, avoid it

2021-03-04 13:20:03 UTC  

making an exception for GME

2021-03-04 13:43:06 UTC

2021-03-04 13:50:45 UTC  

That was back when the silver quarter was made of actual silver

2021-03-04 13:51:24 UTC  

so... yes.. make it actually valuable again

2021-03-04 13:53:35 UTC  

same goes with the penny, used to be made of actual copper. We still have actual copper thieves that go in and steal electrical wiring and plumbing fixtures in buildings because copper is still valuable, but they aren't stealing pennies

2021-03-04 13:55:48 UTC  

23.65 today

2021-03-04 13:56:45 UTC  

Average house price was 7.69 x minimum wage(annual) back then
today its 14.
Would be around 5 if the money wasnt changed
Cant have average joe making progress

2021-03-04 13:57:29 UTC  

average house price is something else entirely different

2021-03-04 13:57:47 UTC  

House prices are actually declining and the cheapest they have ever been

2021-03-04 13:59:26 UTC  

Yes but on a national level, housing is the cheapest it has ever been in history. Which means minimum wage is the lowest its ever been

2021-03-04 14:01:09 UTC