Message from @sasquatch5378

Discord ID: 820020410506412063

2021-03-12 19:06:39 UTC  

It's either gonna jump or plummet here by the end of the day

2021-03-12 19:06:54 UTC  

I don't see it holding these numbers over the weekend...

2021-03-12 19:09:36 UTC  

If there is a good dip i may pick up some more too

2021-03-12 19:10:19 UTC  

that's what I've been doing, started off with committing 800 over all being all I will give, and everything else I've gained from it, just add it to that 800 and buy more during dips

2021-03-12 19:10:37 UTC  

When it's all said and done, I'll at most lose 800 bucks

2021-03-12 19:11:10 UTC  


2021-03-12 19:18:02 UTC  

I'm going to set a limit order at 175 lol

2021-03-12 19:23:43 UTC  

Honestly looks like people are selling gme and buying amc

2021-03-12 19:24:06 UTC  

The correlation is pretty obvious if you look at the charts

2021-03-12 19:24:07 UTC  


2021-03-12 19:25:11 UTC  

so hows the markets looking folks?

2021-03-12 19:27:13 UTC  


2021-03-12 19:34:06 UTC  

received a "i'm an essential worker" vaccine form

2021-03-12 19:39:37 UTC  

I already had the vaccine 😉

2021-03-12 19:44:21 UTC  

I will pass on the vaccine, I am immune

2021-03-12 19:45:48 UTC  

I'm going to print off the form they gave me and fill out just random crap on it and then just keep it with me so when they ask to see my proof that I got my vaccine, I'll just show them that, they won't know the difference

2021-03-12 19:46:49 UTC  

Allergies List:
-Expired Hippo Meat
-Men who look like women
-Women who look like men
-covid-19 vaccinations

Birthdate: Septuary 42nd, 1776

2021-03-12 19:48:05 UTC  


2021-03-12 19:48:14 UTC  

here we go GME

2021-03-12 19:48:20 UTC  

got movement

2021-03-12 19:48:21 UTC  

That hippo meat will do a number to your insides

2021-03-12 19:49:43 UTC  

made some edits to my allergy list

2021-03-12 20:05:41 UTC  

GME dipped again

2021-03-12 20:05:53 UTC  

it's power hour

2021-03-12 20:12:39 UTC  

Allergic to stupid people and lefty nut jobs

2021-03-12 20:13:42 UTC  

My fidelity brokerage acct is less in the red lol

2021-03-12 20:14:25 UTC  

All in all for this month I'm sitting fat and happy in the green

2021-03-12 20:14:48 UTC  

Same here.... just today it has been red almost all day

2021-03-12 20:15:21 UTC  

today I only been able to collect 62 bucks, I try to get around 100 minimum daily, but I had a couple really good runs earlier in the week where I exceeded my goal to make up for today

2021-03-12 20:15:34 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:15:36 UTC  

But getting closer to green... won't be surprised if it doesn't though, there hasn't been a whole lot of movement

2021-03-12 20:16:34 UTC  

Gme. Plummeting... lol

2021-03-12 20:17:08 UTC  

that means buy more right?

2021-03-12 20:17:14 UTC  

I'm still seeing it at 270

2021-03-12 20:17:23 UTC  

But Australian gme rose

2021-03-12 20:17:30 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:17:50 UTC  

🤣🤣🤣 going world wide

2021-03-12 20:18:00 UTC  

269 now

2021-03-12 20:18:12 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:18:24 UTC  

Some aussies got confused and thought their local GME was gamestop?