Message from @[TDE] Smokie

Discord ID: 820027749053759498

2021-03-12 19:46:49 UTC  

Allergies List:
-Expired Hippo Meat
-Men who look like women
-Women who look like men
-covid-19 vaccinations

Birthdate: Septuary 42nd, 1776

2021-03-12 19:48:05 UTC  


2021-03-12 19:48:14 UTC  

here we go GME

2021-03-12 19:48:20 UTC  

got movement

2021-03-12 19:48:21 UTC  

That hippo meat will do a number to your insides

2021-03-12 19:49:43 UTC  

made some edits to my allergy list

2021-03-12 20:05:41 UTC  

GME dipped again

2021-03-12 20:05:53 UTC  

it's power hour

2021-03-12 20:12:39 UTC  

Allergic to stupid people and lefty nut jobs

2021-03-12 20:13:42 UTC  

My fidelity brokerage acct is less in the red lol

2021-03-12 20:14:25 UTC  

All in all for this month I'm sitting fat and happy in the green

2021-03-12 20:14:48 UTC  

Same here.... just today it has been red almost all day

2021-03-12 20:15:21 UTC  

today I only been able to collect 62 bucks, I try to get around 100 minimum daily, but I had a couple really good runs earlier in the week where I exceeded my goal to make up for today

2021-03-12 20:15:34 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:15:36 UTC  

But getting closer to green... won't be surprised if it doesn't though, there hasn't been a whole lot of movement

2021-03-12 20:16:34 UTC  

Gme. Plummeting... lol

2021-03-12 20:17:08 UTC  

that means buy more right?

2021-03-12 20:17:14 UTC  

I'm still seeing it at 270

2021-03-12 20:17:23 UTC  

But Australian gme rose

2021-03-12 20:17:30 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:17:50 UTC  

🤣🤣🤣 going world wide

2021-03-12 20:18:00 UTC  

269 now

2021-03-12 20:18:12 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:18:24 UTC  

Some aussies got confused and thought their local GME was gamestop?

2021-03-12 20:19:44 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:34:44 UTC  

Looks like all the airlines were up today

2021-03-12 20:41:31 UTC  

Yeap aal for sure

2021-03-12 20:50:55 UTC  

disappointing day for oil and gas

2021-03-12 20:51:41 UTC  

And there go the gme...

2021-03-12 20:51:46 UTC  

Bottom just dropped out

2021-03-12 20:51:51 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:51:56 UTC  

I'll be holding onto that and also this UPS stock over the weekend. UPS only got up to like a 2 dollar profit for me and fell back down. Not worth it

2021-03-12 20:52:18 UTC  

Hummm going back up. Wtf gme

2021-03-12 20:52:27 UTC  

yeah GME going to do what GME wants to do

2021-03-12 20:53:02 UTC  

best to try to not feed it by paying attention to it

2021-03-12 20:53:44 UTC  

Actually, any news on the hedgies? They royally fucked yet?

2021-03-12 20:54:59 UTC  

lol WSB is fucking around with blackberry now

2021-03-12 20:55:10 UTC  

I didn't even know that company was still around

2021-03-12 20:56:56 UTC  

BB was one they were trying to send to the moon too

2021-03-12 20:59:59 UTC  

Alright. Diamond hands thru the weekend