Message from @Krieger
Discord ID: 810172285062348851
I think so
@chaos_sorceror just gonna shout out to the awesome drawings, keep it up.
@1P-10 tac Keep at it and you will go far, everyone has to start somewhere.
@mightytrump It doesn't suck if it keeps the birds warm.
Fact Check: True.
Mhm, I am just annoyed at my non-mastery ðŸ¤
Well, depends on how much effort you put into it. I'm sure you could build a bird a six story mansion if you dedicated your life to it, but I think there's something to be said for "Diminishing Returns" 😄
That's true, altho I expect a lot out of myself
^That's good. Expectations are healthy. That says a lot about you, and it's mostly good.
Unfortunately it tends to be expecting perfection out of thin air. I am very critical on myself when I fall short, to what seems to be "basic competence"
I could get into an entire philosophical and psychological exposition, but I am tired, so I will simply say "Take the damn compliment."
Sure thing 😅
Seriously man, good work.
Ah, well thanks. Hopefully the roughness has charm I can admire
Looks nice
Looking for advice with this one. The background that I'm going for is a sort of snow-dusted red rock environment, but I'm having a bit of trouble making it look right. Any suggestions?
is there a specific place you think that makes the drawing doesn't look right yet?
the first suggestion i've would be making the snow mountains at the far back a bit more blurry (since they are at the distance).
the snow softens and blurs everything (which may be why it looks a bit off). i'm guessing you use a softbrush and dust everything? the dusting on the rocks are okay, but on the ground it makes the sandy ground mucky and liquidified. i'd advised clearing the ground-layer and redo to snow on the ground with a hard brush. also: i've found this tutorial, and maybe this is helpful for you?
use lots of reference it really helps me
Should add more detail on the suprresor
Yeah, it's mostly with the ground layer looking too much like a liquid. I aslo didn'teven think about blurring the mountains. I'll try that out, thanks.
Undyne from undertale
***Undyne's theme loudens***
Any suggestions for what to draw
Who was that fem boy again?
Metaton? (Not sure on how to spell his name.)
i like studying animal's skeletons
Anything specific
i like studying ram skulls
but ostrich's skull is pretty good too