Message from @Space Cowboy

Discord ID: 806985916681289810

2021-02-04 18:14:11 UTC  

And quick note on accounting, I work at Chick-fil-A. Im not a manager, but many of my friends there are, and I have noticed that many of them have to count the money and record everything in a ledger. These are HS and college students, so its not like you need a degree for many of the accounting-related jobs out there, but it certainly helps to study.

2021-02-04 18:18:53 UTC  

If it helps, I see my bus. management teacher tm. I'll ask him if he has any recommendations for things to study in regards to business/project management. At the very least, I am sure I'll learn something. :)

2021-02-04 18:58:18 UTC  

Well, truthfully, in my last few years in the Navy, I've had the privilege to manage several multi-million dollar projects and I've successfully ensured those jobs were accomplished on time, if not early. That gives me the job satisfaction boost I need.

I've learned so much through those projects about communication, innately learning the difference between high context and low context communities. Process improvement strategies like LEAN, 5S, etc... but I dont have any formal training so it's pointless.

2021-02-04 20:12:37 UTC  

Hey, everyone! I’m deciding high school classes, and I just wanted to know if anyone had suggestions on electives (just general subjects) that might be fun to me, someone who has no idea what they want to do with their life and who is taking a lot of difficult classes (and expecting a lot of homework). Even if it’s not suggestions for freshman classes, but instead classes to keep an eye on when I get older, it would be appreciated. I just want to try to find something I enjoy but idk what that is.
Also, what do you guys think is more important, taking biology honors or algebra 2 honors? I don’t really want to take both honors classes because I’m already taking so many. The alternatives for both are biology and algebra 2 (so more normal classes). Also, I should let everyone know, I’m new to discord and I don’t know exactly how it works, so let me know if I screw something up lol. Sorry this is so long!

2021-02-04 20:17:28 UTC  

Also I know I asked about course suggestions and you all don’t know me, so I mean I can tell you a little more about myself and my hobbies if that helps (obviously not personal info though ofc).

2021-02-04 20:20:44 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> like this? Sorry, I’m not great with this! Also, thank you.

2021-02-04 20:24:50 UTC  

What's your social security number 😁😂

2021-02-04 20:25:14 UTC  

@Space Cowboy kidding, what's your favorite subject

2021-02-04 20:25:33 UTC  

That’s good to know. I’m just so concerned about homework since while I’m determined to do well in high school and get some college credits, I still want to have a high school experience that’s like an eighties movie lol

2021-02-04 20:26:19 UTC  

Well that depends on who u hang out with

2021-02-04 20:26:28 UTC  

@DeButcher umm... well I like geometry this year a lot, and I do band and jazz band. I also like to write so LA.

2021-02-04 20:28:23 UTC  

@DeButcher lol so true. I was thinking of taking a business course this year but that means no jazz band. That’s where the problem lies; I can either do band and jazz, and not try a lot of new stuff, or I could drop jazz and try something new instead.

2021-02-04 20:28:42 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> I didn't put in alot of work. Hs was a joke

2021-02-04 20:29:58 UTC  

@DeButcher I’ve always tried really hard in school, getting straight As and staying in bridges classes. My main concern in high school is to not make the mistake Hermione Granger makes in Harry Potter by taking too many hard courses. I’m a nerd, sorry.

2021-02-04 20:30:22 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> thats really good advice actually.

2021-02-04 20:31:27 UTC  

Oh I made As in hs, if I tried a little could have been the valedictorian. I took AP classes ( not to brag)

2021-02-04 20:31:57 UTC  

Currently in hs? <@342170731091722241>

2021-02-04 20:32:53 UTC  


2021-02-04 20:33:03 UTC  

Wow, I really am glad I’m talking to some geniuses! I’m hoping to knock out some AP classes. My parents straight up told me since I was young that I was paying for my own college so I should aim for a scholarship

2021-02-04 20:33:49 UTC  

Not in my school district

2021-02-04 20:33:55 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> I’m going to be honest, I have no idea what that means.

2021-02-04 20:34:29 UTC  

Not going to give that info sorry but I live in TX

2021-02-04 20:35:10 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> ok thanks! We have something similar so I think I get what you mean.

2021-02-04 20:35:52 UTC  

IB is less popular than AP, but a bit harder than AP

2021-02-04 20:36:20 UTC  

You know though if I want into college all I have to do is take my school’s social justice class, then I’ll get into any school I want lol. I’m not actually wasting my time on that though ofc.

2021-02-04 20:42:57 UTC  

The only thing that I find very annoying about the diploma I’m going for which is an academic honors one is the world languages it requires. I mean this year I’m learning Spanish from a book since I’m homeschooled for just this year due to the ‘rona. It’s just as difficult as it sounds. Also thanks for the suggestions to go into a business course, as much as I love jazz, you are right, and I do want to try new things.

2021-02-04 20:43:11 UTC  

@Space Cowboy if want to get into a good college just do good on your SAT/ACT

2021-02-04 20:43:37 UTC  

@DeButcher Will do!

2021-02-04 20:44:40 UTC  

Yeah if your school offer IB take it but make sure your school and home life is balanced

2021-02-04 20:44:53 UTC  

@I’m doing Spanish 2 next year then two years of German, which is enough to get me what I need. The good thing is that Spanish can be easy but I’m learning from a book.

2021-02-04 20:45:56 UTC  

@Space Cowboy u are entering hs right. You have enough time to figure out what you want do in life.

2021-02-04 20:46:33 UTC  

@DeButcher That’s my goal. I used to get so stressed in school, completely overwhelmed with perfectionism. I’ve learned to get better with that but it is something I have to be reminded of from time to time. Also yeah I’m entering hs, going into 9th grade next year.

2021-02-04 20:46:47 UTC  

So currently 8th

2021-02-04 20:48:16 UTC  

<@342170731091722241> will do. Also I’m really good with my grades. Because I don’t have a clue what I want to do, I’ve basically decided that I must do well in every class so when I see an opportunity for something I like, I can qualify for it.

2021-02-04 20:50:08 UTC  

damn bro, nice. I wish I could offer better advice, but if it is at all encouraging, once you get some formal education/training, I think you will be able to compete for just about anything!

2021-02-04 21:16:02 UTC  

@sixfivebyfiftyfive That's the hope.

As far as assisting the assistor: I recommend jumping onto and seeing what free college they have available. Could jump start you into whatever major you want or help you nail down a course you're having trouble with now. Thats what I'm doing for my PMP cert.

2021-02-04 23:12:37 UTC  

Can someone just- *explain* math to me <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>

2021-02-04 23:18:42 UTC  

@Error 404 Absolutely! Want to DM so we don't fill this chat up?

2021-02-04 23:19:00 UTC  

Oh my gosh I’m sorry it was a joke, I just really hate math 😭

2021-02-04 23:19:02 UTC  

Oh I can help

2021-02-04 23:19:17 UTC  

LOL I’m sorry I’m just really frustrated, but I figured it out