Message from @B R U H

Discord ID: 812723478766551073

2021-02-20 16:28:55 UTC  

No, we actually had a talk, but then we promised we wont bring that up again

2021-02-20 16:30:04 UTC  

For whatever I was telling her, she wasn't ignorant, she was searching for reference on google, but she does not know google is communism, and you won't find anything else there except propaganda

2021-02-20 16:30:11 UTC  
2021-02-20 16:30:31 UTC  

true true

2021-02-20 16:30:37 UTC  

google is sold to china

2021-02-20 16:30:39 UTC  

Hm interesting. According to a German researcher, Corona virus was a laboratory accident in Wuhan. I'm not sure if he has actual proof but he stated that there were documented safety error in Chinese laboratories. And the researcher with these claims is no small fry. He is a kingpin physicist. I just wonder why this only appears in a few media articles.

2021-02-20 16:31:19 UTC  

Was it the lab that was funded by Fauci?

2021-02-20 16:31:26 UTC  

It MusT Be TruE If ThErE Are So MaNy ArTiCLeS SaYIng yoU aRe WrOnG

2021-02-20 16:31:51 UTC  

I listened to another viroligist, he said that the biggest mistake china did was to NOT give information about the first patirnt of this virus

2021-02-20 16:31:59 UTC  

Researcher's name?

2021-02-20 16:32:00 UTC  

But he admitted that he only has indicators not evidence

2021-02-20 16:32:00 UTC  

china suerly is the culpriy=t

2021-02-20 16:32:16 UTC  

Didn't the world agree that it was Wuhan's fault until Biden came into presidency. Then it suddenly wasn't their fault and he banned the term China Virus

2021-02-20 16:32:21 UTC  

or am i mistaking?

2021-02-20 16:32:34 UTC  

It is china virus

2021-02-20 16:32:37 UTC  

no doubt

2021-02-20 16:32:41 UTC  

Idk if we can discuss this my dude <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2021-02-20 16:32:44 UTC  

Roland Wiesendanger

2021-02-20 16:32:44 UTC  

made in the Chinese labs

2021-02-20 16:32:50 UTC  


2021-02-20 16:32:57 UTC  

censorship fear?

2021-02-20 16:33:03 UTC  

Read the announcement

2021-02-20 16:33:07 UTC  

Question for yall, have you heard of yuri bezmenov?

2021-02-20 16:33:09 UTC  

Oh yeah we should shut up 💩

2021-02-20 16:33:28 UTC  

looks like I have heard this name somewere, But I can't remeber

2021-02-20 16:33:32 UTC  

I'm all for it. Unfortunately discord isn't

2021-02-20 16:33:33 UTC  

i think we should be able tot talk abotu anything we want

2021-02-20 16:33:42 UTC  


2021-02-20 16:33:52 UTC  

maybe its time for an New platform?

2021-02-20 16:33:54 UTC  

Former kgb agent

2021-02-20 16:34:00 UTC

2021-02-20 16:34:02 UTC  

That guy

2021-02-20 16:34:08 UTC  

Like I said. Discord doesn't agree <:garoldSmile:758935089467490324>

2021-02-20 16:34:10 UTC  

Toilet hugger lol

2021-02-20 16:34:23 UTC  

What a name

2021-02-20 16:34:32 UTC  

then its time to say Bye bye to discord

2021-02-20 16:34:34 UTC  

dude, discord is one of those which is still not that Communist, any other platform, you ch1n@ and you are out

2021-02-20 16:34:36 UTC  


2021-02-20 16:34:43 UTC  

tried on YT, insta, facebook

2021-02-20 16:34:47 UTC  

They'll just shut down any new platforms like they're doing with parler