Message from @HUNTER4639

Discord ID: 818729062217285652

2021-03-09 06:01:52 UTC  

I mean, the fact that the United States didn't even have to go "Total War" the way the Soviet Union did in order to defeat them says all you really need to know.

2021-03-09 06:02:17 UTC  

Mhm, didn't they spend 17% of their GDP while we spent like ~10%?

2021-03-09 06:02:54 UTC  

Exactly, we spent 10X the effort when we joined WWII than when the Cold war was going.

2021-03-09 06:03:25 UTC  

Sugar was a black market item, every woman was in a factory, ect, ect.

2021-03-09 06:03:41 UTC  

It's rather obvious how we allowed the civilian section of the economy to open back up, with no detriment to our military objectives

2021-03-09 06:06:08 UTC  

Well, there was a destriment, but not because of the economy, because of the politicians and because Americans had become to soft and civilized in general.

I think we could have won in China and Korea had we gone full bore into it. But instead we handed all our weapons to an army that was on the verge of collapse in China.

2021-03-09 06:07:04 UTC  

Those cases are us pussyfooting around confrontation, not a critical lack in military capability. We refused to escalate, to our detriment

2021-03-09 06:07:44 UTC  

Right. Should have Nuked the Kremlin before we nuked Japan.

2021-03-09 06:08:18 UTC  

Eh, nuke the immediate target

2021-03-09 06:08:36 UTC  

My biggest takeaway is that we should have continued pushing into Continental Europe

2021-03-09 06:09:08 UTC  

We backed away from taking Austria, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany most importantly

2021-03-09 06:09:16 UTC  

Well, we knew we were going to win Japan. That was a forgone conclusion. Great Britain could have handled Japan, in the state we put them in by 1945 rolled around.

2021-03-09 06:09:47 UTC  

Can't say your wrong about their late-war capabilities, but we should still hang around to ensure they don't bungle it

2021-03-09 06:11:56 UTC  

And the reason I say "Nuke the Kremlin" was because the big fear was that a conventional war with the Soviets was going to break out. The French were terrified of that prospect, and it was a very real possibility that had conventional war broken out, they would have switched sides to save what was left of their country.

2021-03-09 06:12:47 UTC  

Wasn't France 40% communist sympathetic during the pre-war era at some point?

2021-03-09 06:15:02 UTC  

Split half between Nazi sympathies and Soviet sympathies. They were almost in a state of civil war when the Nazi's invaded them.

The reason their military was such a clusterfuck was because the politicians literally did not trust the senior leadership of the military, and so butchered the whole chain of command and rearranged it so that it became a nightmare to get anything done.

2021-03-09 06:16:29 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:16:42 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:16:44 UTC  

My shift starts at 2:00, and it's a 1 hour commute.

2021-03-09 06:16:55 UTC  

Oh I thought you meant you had to poop

2021-03-09 06:16:59 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:17:01 UTC  

That, you are not wrong about. French leadership was effectively a prop for the press, not that you could do anything. WWI itself exposed great rigidity, denialism, and obfuscation of the French leadership. As to the political theater, all I know is the 'right-wing' and 'left-wing' factions were in a stand off of sorts

2021-03-09 06:31:53 UTC  

<:weirdpepe:803800661933555714> who and what is Tzeentch

2021-03-09 06:33:10 UTC  

Send feet

2021-03-09 06:33:13 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:39:24 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:39:27 UTC  


2021-03-09 06:49:46 UTC  

I'm still scrolling... haven't been in memes in days <:pepeSad:758472505622659083>

2021-03-09 06:50:13 UTC  

```Please be sure to read the announcements. There are rules there that must be followed. Do not impersonate the bot.```

2021-03-09 07:55:44 UTC  

This is a reminder of your appointment tomorrow on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 3:00 AM.
The appointment is held at the following location:

2021-03-09 07:56:25 UTC  

Why would I need to drive over there in an hour?

2021-03-09 07:56:43 UTC  

Directly copied and pasted from an email.
I show up an hour and a half early, and yet they say that I am "Very late".

2021-03-09 07:56:46 UTC  

What the hell?

2021-03-09 07:56:55 UTC  

Minnesota resident?

2021-03-09 07:57:01 UTC  


2021-03-09 07:57:10 UTC  

I am too <:PepeThink:809458097390878821>

2021-03-09 08:04:40 UTC  

Tzeentch is the Warhammer 40K Chaos God of hope, change, ambition, schemes, sorcery, and "Just as Planned."

But I primarily say what I said because he's also the God of weird creepy eldritch abominations with far too many mouths, eyes, tentacles, and other generally weird weird stuff.

Khorne is a God of bloodletting, his demons look like stereotypical demons.

Slaanesh is a hemaphrodite god(dess) of lust desire, and want, you can guess what those demons look like.

Nurgle is the God of death, disease, decay, and filth. I don't recommend looking him up.

But Tzeentch? Again: teeth, mouths, and tentacles.

2021-03-09 08:12:43 UTC  

You remind me of one of my coworkers, who loves to mention the Warhammer 40k universe whenever, specifically the Chaos Gods

2021-03-09 08:13:57 UTC  

Marvel is now working on a WH40K movie.
Marvel is owned by Disney.

I am enjoying WH40K while I can before we start seeing female Primarchs.

2021-03-09 08:14:21 UTC  

Yes I already heard about the movie

2021-03-09 08:14:22 UTC  

And Trans Rights Activist Sororitas.