Message from @Cinnamon_Roll237

Discord ID: 812133980794257458

2021-02-19 01:25:38 UTC  


2021-02-19 01:25:49 UTC  

Why not go on vacation? Just put up a sign in his seat that says "I vote no to everything" and head out for two years.

2021-02-19 01:25:50 UTC  

I don't think hes going to run again

2021-02-19 01:25:51 UTC  

to old, we need to move the torch

2021-02-19 01:26:06 UTC  

This would be the only legit argument against him running

2021-02-19 01:26:11 UTC  

Congress isnt in session and he has no reason not to enjoy his vacation

2021-02-19 01:26:36 UTC  

as long as he doesnt get dementia should be fine

2021-02-19 01:26:45 UTC  

Although, I think Trump in 2024 will be more coherant than Biden was in 2020

2021-02-19 01:26:50 UTC  

but he cucked out to please the left, not like he can do anything about the 100-year Texas snowstorm

2021-02-19 01:27:00 UTC  

Biden played Mario kart with his granddaughter why is it a big deal that Ted is taking a vacation lmao

2021-02-19 01:27:03 UTC  

Wasn't the age difference between trump and Biden like 4 years if I rember correctly?

2021-02-19 01:27:08 UTC  

he will, but I dont want to vote for someone that old

2021-02-19 01:27:20 UTC  

Meh. I don't think anyone over the age of like 77 should be able to run unless its during their term

2021-02-19 01:28:08 UTC  

“Omggg trump is literally playing golf while Americans are dying!!”

2021-02-19 01:28:20 UTC  

Ted needs to grow some balls

2021-02-19 01:29:29 UTC  

Like all my life I belived he was a short dude based on photos of him but I have recently realised he is actually preaty tall lol , like in photos with other people it is oblivious, it's like the Putin effect

2021-02-19 01:29:57 UTC  

Who? Cruz?

2021-02-19 01:30:08 UTC  

I was referring to trump himself

2021-02-19 01:30:20 UTC  

Like I always assumed he was short for some reason

2021-02-19 01:30:24 UTC  

Ah. Makes more sense lol

2021-02-19 01:30:29 UTC  

How tall is he?

2021-02-19 01:30:40 UTC  

It frustrating that whenever I try to talk to leftists about politics and have them at least be open to changing their minds, they just say lets stop and move on

2021-02-19 01:30:43 UTC  

Like 6'4 I belive I dont know imperial

2021-02-19 01:30:47 UTC  


2021-02-19 01:31:36 UTC  

Really? Dang. Me over here being 5'1 ✋

2021-02-19 01:32:05 UTC  

we gotta another shorty in here

2021-02-19 01:32:45 UTC  

Like Putin uses platform shoes from time to time so his height isn't official from what I know but the fact that he needs those says a lot

2021-02-19 01:33:00 UTC  

Trust me I know lol 😂 I'm 15 and 5'1. Everyones taller then me lol

2021-02-19 01:33:18 UTC  

Like the photo of Obama fucking towering over Putin is insanely funny to me

2021-02-19 01:33:28 UTC  

Isoboto is 5'1 as well, only problem is, she's 19

2021-02-19 01:33:36 UTC  

Cm pls 😔

2021-02-19 01:33:47 UTC  

Is that like 130?

2021-02-19 01:33:56 UTC  

hi guys

2021-02-19 01:34:01 UTC  

ay bruh

2021-02-19 01:34:35 UTC  

did u just bruh me

2021-02-19 01:34:37 UTC  

I think its around 150

2021-02-19 01:34:48 UTC  

154 , just checked

2021-02-19 01:34:52 UTC  

4th grade math is coming back to me lol

2021-02-19 01:34:54 UTC  

That is short

2021-02-19 01:35:06 UTC  

yeah bruh

2021-02-19 01:35:11 UTC  

5'1" isn't THAT short really