Message from @Revaeroski

Discord ID: 814330847502270484

2021-02-25 02:52:57 UTC  


2021-02-25 02:52:59 UTC  

They'll have two planets pretty much right next to each other and completely ignore the roche limit

2021-02-25 02:53:24 UTC  

oh and asteroid fields are everywhere, not orbiting anything in particular, just floating there

2021-02-25 02:53:37 UTC  

@Revaeroski Rouche limit is when the gravity tidal forces break up shit... layman term definition 😛

2021-02-25 02:53:58 UTC  

right, and there's a distance where that comes into play between two massive bodies, correct?

2021-02-25 02:54:04 UTC  

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2021-02-25 02:54:51 UTC  

@Revaeroski Yeah I get what you're saying. Basically, the 2 bodies should either be merging as one, or the dominant body should be breaking up the inferior mass into a ring.

2021-02-25 02:55:07 UTC  

yes, they completely ignore that in no man's sky

2021-02-25 02:55:19 UTC  

for cool looking shots

2021-02-25 02:55:29 UTC  

but its still weird

2021-02-25 02:55:33 UTC  

That gets on your nerves? Heh, lots of ignored physics gets on my nerves, especially in movies...

2021-02-25 02:55:49 UTC  

and black holes have an animation where you can see stuff within the event horizon

2021-02-25 02:56:09 UTC  

I'll forgive that they use them as worm holes in the game, but the fact that you see anything crossing the event horizon bothers me

2021-02-25 02:56:24 UTC  

Take the movie Gravity for example. 1: All the space craft are going East to West instead of West to East ( irl )

2021-02-25 02:56:56 UTC  

Elite Dangerous, even though most of it is procedurally generated, at least still follows the laws of physics, or at least attempts to

2021-02-25 02:57:52 UTC  

planets orbiting stars, stars sometimes orbiting other more massive stars, etc...

2021-02-25 02:57:57 UTC  

In Total Recal remake, the gravity elevator is messed up on so many levels it's pathetic. All the movie folk had to do was call a physicist. Irl if such an elevator existed, they'd be weightless the ENTIRE TRIP. and 2nd: You hear a lady on the PA saying " ETA 3 hours " and some change , when the actual trip irl would be 43 minutes.

2021-02-25 02:58:18 UTC  

I love watching Elite Dangerous YT vids 😄

2021-02-25 02:59:23 UTC  

I can get these games, but I just have no room on my computer. I need to buy another hard drive. My free space is maxxed out atm.

2021-02-25 03:00:03 UTC  

elite dangerous was quite fun with VR, but I stopped since they aren't going to support it going forward

2021-02-25 03:00:23 UTC  

I wanted to try that, but don't you need special equipment?

2021-02-25 03:00:40 UTC  

I've got a pretty capable computer, but no VR stuff.

2021-02-25 03:02:26 UTC  

I guess no gravity means "slow motion" as well lol

2021-02-25 03:02:50 UTC  

I'm going to be living in the poorhouse for the next month. I had to change jobs and am going to be exhausting all my reserve money. It's worth it though. By the Summertime I'll be very well off. For the time being though, I have to be reserved.

2021-02-25 03:03:17 UTC  

You'll want to continue to be frugal if you can, to be honest

2021-02-25 03:03:23 UTC  

@Revaeroski OMG they butchered the movie.

2021-02-25 03:03:31 UTC  

Biden isn't going to do the economy any favors

2021-02-25 03:04:23 UTC  

anyone that's watching the stock market is just waiting for the impending bubble burst

2021-02-25 03:04:55 UTC  

@Revaeroski I have a good trade. Tbh my drop in resources has little to do with those in power in the Whitehouse. What I do... for it to lose value would literally require the end of the world.

2021-02-25 03:05:12 UTC  

The timing is coinsedental 😛

2021-02-25 03:05:23 UTC  

Well that's good, but it sort of is a ripple effect.

2021-02-25 03:05:43 UTC  

It is. I always have at least 1 eye grown in the back of my head.

2021-02-25 03:06:04 UTC  

I know it sounds like I'm being relaxed and not cautious, but I am.

2021-02-25 03:06:40 UTC  

I'm preparing myself for Biden to rip me a new tax mandate asshole next year 😐

2021-02-25 03:07:03 UTC  

They kill off coal miner jobs, coal miners can't go to the diner, diner workers can't pay for their cell phones, cell phone company has lay offs, restraunt and office retail stores around those offices get less business, etc...

2021-02-25 03:07:13 UTC  

just giving a single direction ripple example

2021-02-25 03:07:40 UTC  

I'm an auto-mechanic. I won't feel it unless they figure out a way to kill the automotive industry.

2021-02-25 03:07:52 UTC  

same thing with raising minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour, it's going to affect everyone, not just fast food workers

2021-02-25 03:07:59 UTC  

I wasn't kidding when I said my trade ending would require the end of the world.

2021-02-25 03:08:13 UTC  

Oh and speaking of min-wage...