Message from @Emerald

Discord ID: 816316029029318657

2021-03-02 14:19:40 UTC  

some allow if you're 25, some have 18, but if you need a solid number that's applicable to all states, it's 30

2021-03-02 14:20:13 UTC  

My state is 30

2021-03-02 14:20:18 UTC  

And be a resident for six months

2021-03-02 14:20:28 UTC  

I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't vote for an 18 year old for governor under any circumstances I can think of.

2021-03-02 14:22:13 UTC  

Please ask me some questions on my policies

2021-03-02 14:22:25 UTC  

And make them sound like CNN questions

2021-03-02 14:23:32 UTC  

not even if they were a child genius, like those rare ones that go to law school at age 10 or whatever

2021-03-02 14:23:34 UTC  


2021-03-02 14:24:26 UTC  

No, because the maturity isn't there. I'm a pretty smart guy, and I was a pretty smart 18 year old, however looking back now as an older person? No. The maturity simply isn't there.

2021-03-02 14:24:36 UTC  

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2021-03-02 14:25:35 UTC  

Personally I think a pretty big part of that has to do with modern culture, but regardless, my opinion is that 18 is too young.

2021-03-02 14:25:48 UTC  

true, even mozart was pretty immature, and he wrote his first concerto at age 5

2021-03-02 14:26:07 UTC  

Please someone ask me a question

2021-03-02 14:26:26 UTC  

A CNN style one

2021-03-02 14:26:29 UTC  

Which stocks are going to be booming today?

2021-03-02 14:26:49 UTC  

I’d suggest investing in body bags

2021-03-02 14:27:12 UTC  


2021-03-02 14:27:24 UTC  

I don’t know a company just invest in some form a body bag

2021-03-02 14:27:46 UTC  

Questions on my policy

2021-03-02 14:27:58 UTC  

But the only one I know of is Mopec and they aren't a publically traded stock

2021-03-02 14:28:27 UTC  

Ask me a CNN style question of my policies

2021-03-02 14:28:39 UTC  

CNN style? Okay... When was the first time you colluded with Russians?

2021-03-02 14:29:02 UTC  

I’ve never talk to anyone from Russia

2021-03-02 14:29:16 UTC  

At least no one that was actually in the country when I was talking to them

2021-03-02 14:29:18 UTC  

When did you decide to become a racist? Was it during childhood or did you have to work on it?

2021-03-02 14:29:38 UTC  

Sir I believe we have two definitions of racism

2021-03-02 14:29:48 UTC  

Your definition is anything that offends it was racist my definition is making judgments about people based on skin color

2021-03-02 14:29:50 UTC  

Why can't you just answer the CNN style question, sir?

2021-03-02 14:30:06 UTC  

I just did

2021-03-02 14:30:21 UTC  

But you're not answering the question on when exactly you decided to go full blown racist

2021-03-02 14:30:26 UTC  

Pro tip - if someone asks you why you're racist, keep it as short as possible so they can't twist your words. I'd recommend going with "I'm not."

2021-03-02 14:30:36 UTC  

lol yes

2021-03-02 14:30:36 UTC  

You people say don’t assume genders and now you just assumed my gender

2021-03-02 14:31:02 UTC  

If I say something that offends you that doesn’t mean I’m racist

2021-03-02 14:31:08 UTC  

I have black friends I treat them with respect

2021-03-02 14:31:09 UTC  

It's on your birth certificate, are you saying your birth certificate is wrong? If so, does that mean you're still qualified to run for Governor?

2021-03-02 14:31:17 UTC  

I don’t care about your damn skin color if you come to America with American ideals I’ll respect you

2021-03-02 14:31:34 UTC  

(pro-tip, there's no correct way to answer a CNN style question)

2021-03-02 14:31:40 UTC  

Yeah people say don’t assume peoples genders

2021-03-02 14:31:57 UTC  

Especially you people

2021-03-02 14:32:03 UTC  

Next question