Message from @earthgirl.loves.spacegirl

Discord ID: 816355799966154814

2021-03-02 17:04:55 UTC  

im nonbinary

2021-03-02 17:05:05 UTC  

one cannot fight racism with more racism

2021-03-02 17:05:13 UTC  

they most certainly are not discriminated against the most

2021-03-02 17:05:15 UTC  

if at all

2021-03-02 17:05:15 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:05:21 UTC  

You have a problem with binary code??

2021-03-02 17:05:30 UTC  

yes when it is a racial movement you need to focus on the race being discriminated against instead of the other races discriminating

2021-03-02 17:05:42 UTC  

How dare you descriminate against computers

2021-03-02 17:05:46 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:05:47 UTC  

yep with all this new blm stuff there is practically no discrimination

2021-03-02 17:05:51 UTC  

No, because I would have needed to go and make a separate set of permissions just for someone breaking rules.

2021-03-02 17:05:53 UTC  

Helo <:emoji_146:804190721972109352>

2021-03-02 17:05:53 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:02 UTC  

kk sounds good

2021-03-02 17:06:04 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:06 UTC  

.-. hello

2021-03-02 17:06:09 UTC  

yall like cheese?

2021-03-02 17:06:10 UTC  

party hardy

2021-03-02 17:06:12 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:29 UTC  

soooo what is everyones pronouns?

2021-03-02 17:06:32 UTC  

yes, but I can't eat much or I get gassy. <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>

2021-03-02 17:06:32 UTC  

you're out of basic... what do u do now

2021-03-02 17:06:38 UTC  

trying to get to know yall

2021-03-02 17:06:40 UTC  

I like...... something, anything to eat 😐

2021-03-02 17:06:42 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:48 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:48 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:49 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:06:50 UTC  

well as long as you like it i trust you

2021-03-02 17:06:56 UTC  

call me Texan <:troll_face:726878856585281557>

2021-03-02 17:06:57 UTC  

also just wondering @earthgirl.loves.spacegirl why did you decide to be "nonbianary"

2021-03-02 17:07:03 UTC  

yeah i feel you

2021-03-02 17:07:05 UTC  

idk y ppl do that

2021-03-02 17:07:10 UTC  

its make belive

2021-03-02 17:07:12 UTC  

bc i didnt feel male or female i felt in the middle

2021-03-02 17:07:13 UTC  

"that creepy guy who spends all his time in his room"

2021-03-02 17:07:16 UTC  

there are only 2 genders

2021-03-02 17:07:23 UTC  


2021-03-02 17:07:26 UTC  

thats whack

2021-03-02 17:07:29 UTC  

how do you feel that tho