Message from @*sigh*

Discord ID: 817228882386092033

2021-03-05 02:37:45 UTC  

Cause your name

2021-03-05 02:37:47 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:37:53 UTC  

Wanna join

2021-03-05 02:37:57 UTC  

They’ll accept you

2021-03-05 02:37:59 UTC  

the aliens would experience on you

2021-03-05 02:38:02 UTC  

U probably got brainwiped already so u wouldnt know

2021-03-05 02:38:03 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:38:11 UTC  

We all maybe got brainwiped

2021-03-05 02:38:16 UTC  

At least my memory of Biden in a bikini will stay with me

2021-03-05 02:38:23 UTC  

That can’t be warded

2021-03-05 02:38:26 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:38:31 UTC  

Can i se

2021-03-05 02:38:33 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:38:36 UTC  

No one will accept me. No matter how hard I try. I'm not even good enough to be president. Like that matters anyways

2021-03-05 02:38:44 UTC  

Bunny sandas

2021-03-05 02:38:48 UTC  

@Negan I mean we have a thing I’ll have to talk to the big man

2021-03-05 02:39:12 UTC  

Josef Bidin

2021-03-05 02:47:04 UTC  

```Please be sure to read the announcements. There are rules there that must be followed. Do not impersonate the bot.```

2021-03-05 02:55:41 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:55:48 UTC  

They’ll send you back knowing your into some weird shit

2021-03-05 02:55:54 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:56:19 UTC  

You think so?

2021-03-05 02:56:23 UTC  

Or will they trade me

2021-03-05 02:56:28 UTC  

Is this chat 4chan kids and edgy joke memes?

2021-03-05 02:56:39 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:56:48 UTC  

I made my grass blue

2021-03-05 02:59:21 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:59:25 UTC  

I barely know her

2021-03-05 03:00:31 UTC  


2021-03-05 03:01:10 UTC  

There's a conflict between russia and japan that no one cares about

2021-03-05 03:04:48 UTC  

wait what?

2021-03-05 03:04:53 UTC  

this sounds interesting

2021-03-05 03:04:55 UTC  

Thoughts on lowering the voting age?

2021-03-05 03:05:03 UTC  

bad idea @Jt

2021-03-05 03:05:17 UTC  

I mean if you’re under 18 and got a job you should be allowed to vote

2021-03-05 03:05:21 UTC  

No taxation without representation

2021-03-05 03:06:07 UTC  

i doubt that people under 18 would be making enough money to really be taxed

2021-03-05 03:06:14 UTC  

might be wrong about that tho

2021-03-05 03:06:32 UTC  

You get taxed on any income

2021-03-05 03:06:54 UTC  

Even minimum wage