Message from @I Love Mike Pence

Discord ID: 820145769415573545

2021-03-13 04:02:55 UTC  

Some people may disagree with something in their religious guidance,

2021-03-13 04:03:09 UTC  

However some people take their religious guidance as fact and the only important thing in the world

2021-03-13 04:03:21 UTC  

I don't support it at all and believe it's wrong but all people are equal. Your sins don't make you less valuable as a person.

2021-03-13 04:03:46 UTC  

I agree and I'm not religious

2021-03-13 04:03:48 UTC  

You do you.

2021-03-13 04:03:54 UTC  

I do me.

2021-03-13 04:04:04 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:04:15 UTC  

i follow mine but im not gonna stop you from being gay but if u ask me why i don't support it im gonna tell you everything... you know what i mean?

2021-03-13 04:04:44 UTC  

I find it disgusting and people hate me cause I don't believe it and try to force their disgusting beliefs on me.

2021-03-13 04:05:06 UTC  

yeah like all of a sudden were the bad guys

2021-03-13 04:05:10 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:05:15 UTC  

It's so sad

2021-03-13 04:05:22 UTC  

The LGBTQ+ Topic is where I disagree with the Republican party.

2021-03-13 04:05:26 UTC  

im fine with gay people my issue is the LGBTQ community shit

2021-03-13 04:05:30 UTC  

Maybe in 10 plus years the Republican party will be accepting of it

2021-03-13 04:05:54 UTC  

I hate "Pride" parades. I don't see why they should have the right to shut down public roadways

2021-03-13 04:06:05 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:06:07 UTC  

People have lives to live in businesses to run

2021-03-13 04:06:08 UTC  

I got banned in multiple servers cause my status said "homosexuality is an abomination"

2021-03-13 04:06:12 UTC  

I am accepting of it, I just don't approve of it

2021-03-13 04:06:29 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:06:30 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:06:31 UTC  

@Tom Keifer well actually a ban for that can be acceptable in many terms

2021-03-13 04:06:40 UTC  

That's just homophobic

2021-03-13 04:06:47 UTC  

holy shit that damn goose wont shut tf up <:KEK:795742276549607456> its 11pm

2021-03-13 04:06:52 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:07:07 UTC  

but it is an opinion

2021-03-13 04:07:17 UTC  

I don't support it at all. That's what I believe. I don't force it on others just as they shouldn't force it on me.

2021-03-13 04:07:30 UTC  

I disagree. Define homophobia. Depends on ur definition of homophobia

2021-03-13 04:07:39 UTC  

It's ok to support something but not okay if you don't. That's kinda fucked up

2021-03-13 04:07:52 UTC  


2021-03-13 04:08:01 UTC  

look im miniores

2021-03-13 04:08:05 UTC

2021-03-13 04:08:06 UTC  

And we will put the Chinese leaders on trial once they start the war.

2021-03-13 04:08:13 UTC  

hes gone 😕

2021-03-13 04:08:16 UTC  
2021-03-13 04:08:34 UTC  

I'm gonna go finish my homework now I have some more chemistry stuff to do and I don't wanna do it <:0_:688033438292246558>

2021-03-13 04:08:36 UTC  

Human abuse should never ve tolerated.

2021-03-13 04:08:39 UTC  

oh no 🤣

2021-03-13 04:09:09 UTC  

Saying "homosexuality is an abomination" is just straight out disrespecting it, you wouldn't like it if anyone disrespected what you're a part of or believe in now would you? It's just a common rule of treating people how you want to be treated. If you think that it's an abomination, keep it to yourself.