Message from @hqjsdbsnwa

Discord ID: 800270959704539147

2021-01-17 07:46:03 UTC  

The stakes have never been higher. Either get your rare earth metals from exploited workers in china, of from children in africa...

2021-01-17 07:46:19 UTC  

Its not just that

2021-01-17 07:46:24 UTC  

China has a monopoly

2021-01-17 07:46:26 UTC  

I can't imagine how bad the environment would get if we just skyrocketed this rare earth metals mining to fuel "green energy"

2021-01-17 07:46:29 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:46:37 UTC  

Hi guys

2021-01-17 07:46:37 UTC  

And those metals are used for tech stuff

2021-01-17 07:46:57 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:47:07 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:47:32 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:47:35 UTC  

I just realized we might have a problem in ancap society

2021-01-17 07:48:11 UTC  

We aren't ready for green energy,as a species
And the climate change alarmists are idiots

2021-01-17 07:48:36 UTC  

I think it was in the 60ies that this dude predicted that Earth would freeze

2021-01-17 07:48:51 UTC  

Because temperatures were going down every year

2021-01-17 07:49:23 UTC  

Then they started going up
And people are now predicting that the ice caps will melt

2021-01-17 07:49:38 UTC  

Yeah exactly. My dad grew up in the 60s and 70s. We were all supposed to have frozen to death by now. Now the narrative is that we are gonna burn to death in like 20 years or so

2021-01-17 07:49:52 UTC  

Remember Al Gore's prediction?
Well that came true..not

2021-01-17 07:50:05 UTC  

What's also sad is how much nuclear energy is pushed away

2021-01-17 07:50:22 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:50:51 UTC  

Cali is shutting down all it's nuclear plants. Why? Bullshit. It's such a clean source of energy, with some more fine tuning we could use it for ages! But no we need to fuel china's rare earth metals mining for the politicians holdings

2021-01-17 07:51:05 UTC  

Unless you have an ineffective regime like the Soviet Union or bad climate prone to say..tsunamis like Japan,you aren't gonna explode

2021-01-17 07:51:18 UTC  

And thorium is even safer

2021-01-17 07:52:03 UTC  

Yeah, and we are very close to unlocking Fusion, but yeah you know windmill battery solar panel yatta yatta yatta

2021-01-17 07:52:33 UTC  

Just take the fucking nuclear waste,find a desert,bury it 100 meters deep in a bunker,and install all the equipment you need to keep it from exploding or whatever it does

2021-01-17 07:52:36 UTC  

To power the US for a day on batteries, tesla's biggest factories would take like 300 years to produce enough batteries

2021-01-17 07:52:45 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:52:52 UTC  

Not even, now we have the technology to turn it back into fuel! And re use it

2021-01-17 07:53:09 UTC  

Reprocess it

2021-01-17 07:53:32 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:54:26 UTC  

Countries that don't have ineffective governments and where natural disasters are rare and mild,like say Slovenia,don't have a problem with nuclear

2021-01-17 07:54:38 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:54:58 UTC  

And a lot of people try to use Chernobyl and Fukushima as examples of why we shouldn't have nuclear

2021-01-17 07:55:19 UTC  

But you see, Chernobyl, the crew had so many things going wrong that the safety measures were helpless

2021-01-17 07:55:34 UTC  

And japan just geographically unfit for nuclear power, not the reactors fault

2021-01-17 07:56:58 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:57:22 UTC  

Its commies
You can't expect them to be..competent

2021-01-17 07:57:46 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:58:05 UTC  

Commies want this clean, free/cheap energy source that is solar and wind

2021-01-17 07:58:18 UTC  

But it ain't clean or cheap

2021-01-17 07:58:22 UTC  


2021-01-17 07:58:23 UTC  

That's the thing