Message from @Forget Not
Discord ID: 794255155931512862
it doesnt invalidate the group political ideal
Mostly peaceful rioting
thats not what im saying btw
im stating i dont give a shit about racism because im being exploited no matter what
your ingroup losing hegemony is more damaging than the meager exploitation you recieve
raped woman mindset
ok babe
hurrr my surplus value is being exploited eitherway
literal political solipsism
Remember when Bank of America vowed to invest 2 BILLION USD into black communities
in the name of BLM
minorities dont give a shit about us getting exploited
they also get exploited lol
"wow u lost ur 50000 year lead colonizer???"
nigs literally do not care
they do not like us
yes all black hate me
even in europe white americans are demonized because of them evilz racism
yes all black people dont care about me
they don't
they have CLEAR ingroup biases
It's like you're incapable of thinking about a collective
It was in the name of black people
A black beating you up with impunity is worse than being a wagie
whats your ideology?
@ihatemyself fuck u
how tf is it against what they wanted?
fuck y ou too
not talking to you
what i do
The video
I was at work
what was