Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 794303871669108757
just marxist?
Are any "anti imperalists" able to differentiate being against neo liberal world power from the general concept of asserting power over others?
Yeah bc I get called revisionist from time to time
so u dengist
These are the same arguments Matt Parrott tried to use against G-
muh globalism, muh semi post scarcity
big gay
Globalized economy bad, trade bad
let's have everything go to shit instead
for based autarky!
@dAnIeL just tell me where u differ from ML Trot or other ideologies that would be modern marxist
Not dengism specifically but Marxism as an ideology needs to shift and grow you jut can't afford to keep yourself isolated in todays world this isnt the 30's-50s, just as Lenin devolped Marxism to its next stage we need to further the ideogolgy[not revise but add on]
I'm more ML aligned than trot alligned
I've read a bit from both camps though
Diplomacy is part of imperialism.
such an idiot
sorry jucheism but that is a cuck idea
"Let's just talk things out instead"
Its good to be strong
ok well every other strong country and strong leader will assert their will over you despite you not wanting to fight
basically the same thing that destroys libertarian NAP
Yeah libertarians live in their own fantasy world
Moralism debate?
is this parrot
or heimbach
that's heimbach
@Erlik ᚯ heimbach stopped being racist because his Parish told him to fuck off
@Tribe Admin Account invite me to the nazbol server
I want to bully trannies