Message from @1brieflife
Discord ID: 796859838806229072
hope Trump kills himself
just useless tbh. no wall, no nothing.
spat in his demographics face to rim blacks
Hes some NYC cosmopolitan capitalist
You couldnt expect great things
Zion don at it again
Yeah they got all the backlash of Trump being le evil white man without any of the evil white man stuff. absolute robbery.
looks like boomerwaffen might become real tho in the wake of Trump's collapse
it's so sad Trump can't even throw his lads a bone. His career is done politically and he won't even address his supporters fighting police. Sad!
@1brieflife what the actual fuck
wasnt his net worth like 2 billion like a year ago?
i swear i saw him behind trump
His wealth ballooned this past year
literally added 140 billion dollars to his net worth in 2020
jesus christ
Tesla stock skyrocketed
I think it's wildly overvalued but that doesn't matter
I should've bought in
I have some NIO stock though which is a new Chinese competitior
maybe that'll go somewhere
for fucks sake when will that stock crash so the musk-fags can cry
i keep hearing abt this niggas stocks every day
once he is out of the news thats a good indicator to sell your stocks
as long as he is interessting for the public eye there will be more investors
@1brieflife with that money he could get into politics and fund his own paramilitary
Why is such money always given to spineless cowards
what the fuck is this chart